Part 7

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The school festival was today and if you weren't caught up with the story, the class had decided to do a concert. Smart move on their part, already a couple of them had dabbled with instruments prior to even attending UA. Also, Mina had taught the others some dance routines so everyone would have a part.

As for Ninja Sex Party or TWRP, those guys haven't shown up recently. Once Izuku took Ochako out to see them play, they stopped showing up all together. No more surprise visits, no more eerie signs of Ninja Brian slaughter, or any late night shows. It was hard to say why they stopped coming. C'mon, an entire story ark with the yakuza and a little girl occurred during that hiatus! Ochako and Tsuyu even made bets on how they would interrupt them! That's just how certain they were of them coming! But no sign of em at all! Probably would piss off a couple readers that it didn't happen! Either way, it seemed like they'd just decided to leave them alone.

"Midoriya should've arrived by now. We only have twenty minutes for heaven's sake!" Iida declared.

"Think there was a long line at the store?" asked Todoroki.

"Ah yes, because everyone knows there's a large market for home improvement items nowadays." Bakugou bellowed.

It was getting pretty close to opening. Where the frick was he? Does it take that long to get rope?! The only excuse he could probably have is if he got into a fight with some villain that had a both intriguing and tragic backstory that would make them a character that would stand out amongst the other antagonists from their alternative light hearted approach instead of some dark bruiting one. Nah, that's really dumb. Plus that was way too specific. Crap, they were running out of time.

"Wow, this a big turn out." Sero exclaimed, "I'm kind of intimidated."

"You can say that again!" shouted Kirishima with some obvious wobbliness in his voice.

Bakugou walked and slapped them over the head. "Well of course there's a lot of people. We've been hyped up like a motherfucker."

Oh that's right, they were. That just crossed Jirou's mind. She was just checking the chords on her bass while those three were talking. It just so happened she heard that part. For the past few weeks all she's heard from students from other classes is that 1A was gonna do something big. It'd only make sense that this many people came out to see them. Probably about, three or four hundred people out there. Jesus, that's more than anyone who attends this school. Yeah, she had to put in the fact that a good chunk of that crowd was just people who wanted to enjoy their day at a festival. That could just easily be ruined by an embarrassing act. What if the class didn't do well enough? What if people just decided to leave mid-performance? What if Izuku didn't get the right type of rope?!

"Uh, Jirou, you okay?"

Jirou shot her head up in surprise and turned to where the voice was coming from. "W-What?"

It was Momo, she looked worried. "You were mumbling to yourself about something. Is everything alright?"

"Oh, uhm, I'm fine, just some butterflies in the stomach."

"Are you sure? It's alright, Izuku will get here shortly. It might just be a large crowd at the front."

"I'm not really worried about that." Jirou explained " Just, its a big crowd."

Momo walked over to the entry way and looked out. Where in the darkness of the hall, she could clearly see the heads of anxious people waiting for the show to start. Afterwards, she turned again to Jirou with a reassuring look.

"We'll do great Jirou, I promise." said Momo as she laid her hand on Jirou's shoulder.

"Do you see how many people are out there? I didn't expect this many! Do you think we need to more time to-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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