Cell walls

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Corbyn's P.o.v.

I had almost no perception of time anymore. Just that which came from the change of light coming through the small window up near the top of the wall. From that, I was pretty sure I'd been there for three days.

The room was more like a cell. The floor was of cement, as were the walls. There was nothing in the room, except myself, and the cup that had been used to bring me a drink some time before, and from what I'd seen when I'd been dragged to the room three days before, the rest of the building was much the same. 

I'd been walking back home from the studio that day. I'd decided to walk home instead of catch a ride with one of the boys. One of the biggest regrets of my life, because I was seized by some men with covered faces and dragged to a van. They'd marched me to this room, and left me there under bolt, lock and key. I had no idea who they were, what they wanted, or why they wanted me. 

It had been the next day when someone had finally come in to the room. The key jingled in the lock, and the bolt flew back. Then the door opened to reveal three men, dressed in rugged clothes, big boots, and guns on their belts. Two of the men -- one with a scar on one cheek, and the other completely bald -- marched in and stood on either side of me. The third man, a redhead with a big bushy beard (their leader, I realised) stood in front of me and glared menacingly. 

"Well well well, if it isn't Besson himself," he snarled.

A shiver ran up and down my spine. This was not the kind of guy one should mess with.

"I am going to assume you have no idea why you're here." red-beard begun to pace back and forth in the doorway. "Maybe if I use the words Operation Atmosfrequency Atmospheric Re-Entry/Exit  or say something like NASA it'll help."

He was right. The words made my blood run cold. How did he know I was involved with Operation Atmosfrequency Atmospheric Re-Entry/Exit (AAREE) ? No one was meant to know, save my wife and siblings, who had sworn to secrecy, and those who were also involved.

"Yes, Besson," red-beard laughed, "We want information. Top secret information." He brought his head right next to my face so that his beard ticked my skin. "And you, Besson, are going to give it to us... Soon." He stood up and turned to the other two men. "You, make the clip and then report back to me."

Then red-beard turned and left the room.

"Right," Scar-cheek sneered, "You're to listen to us. Keith, camera?"

The bald guy, Keith, nodded, and left the room, returning with a tripod and a camera. He set them up in the doorway, then gave scar-cheek a thumbs up. 

Scar-cheek then dragged me to the center of the room.

"Don't move, or you'll regret it." He patted the gun on his belt, then went to stand to the side of the room. "Am I out of the frame?" Keith nodded. "Ok, roll," Scar-cheek ordered, covering his face with a scarf.

He let me sit there for a moment, before walking over. Then he begun to beat me. Over and over, his feet and fists landed on my body, pushing me to the ground and pounding again and again. I didn't even try and resist. There was no point. When he finally stopped, my head was swimming, and I could barely even process him telling me that they were going to send the video to Y/n with a ransom note the next day. Then, the two men left.

Once they'd gone, I lay on the floor, semi-conscious, my head spinning, trying to piece together thoughts.  I wondered briefly if I had a concussion, but after running through the concussion questions, I concluded that I didn't. I don't really know how long I lay there before I decided to push through the pain and drag myself to the wall. It was a slow and grueling process, but when I finally made it, I was able to use the wall to support myself in a sitting position. 

I felt my body all over to see how bad my injuries were. There was dried blood all though by hair and down my face, and my left foot hurt like crazy. Other than that, there were bruises all over my body.

I slept for a while, but not very well. Because everything hurt. Because the ground is not comfortable to sleep on. Because I felt lonely and afraid. The next morning, scar-cheek brought me a cup of water and an apple.

"The boss'll be with ya shortly," he growled, before leaving an locking the door.

All I had left to do was wait. 


Hey again! So glad you've read this far :) Sorry not sorry if you're mad at me now.... 

I hope you enjoyed this second part and stay tuned for the third :)

'Till next part :)

(Also, if you're bored, I have an Instagram art account: @am_the_limelight)

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