From an agent

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Anonymous FBI Agent's P.o.v. 

I don't usually end up dealing with missing person cases. This was an exception. Unsurprisingly, to be honest; NASA was involved. And NASA has money, and wants to protect their secrets. 

When I had been told I was on the case, I hadn't even needed to do any research about the missing person; my 14 year-old daughter is obsessed with Why Don't We, and, I will admit, I rather like them, and listen to them more regularly that I admit to the average person. I actually have met them, back a few months ago when I took my daughter to a concert and got her Limelight (the photo we got with them is my lock screen...) But that's not what I was really telling you about.

I hadn't had much of a job on the case until the video came through. The reason being I specialise in analysing such videos. The process I go through is a frame by frame analysation. My eye kept wandering its way back to the window in the top right-hand corner of the wall. I couldn't see too much out of it, but I could see a building, and faintly make out the facade. The building was maybe 100 or so metres away, and there seemed to be nothing in between. There was also a tall palm tree growing outside the other building. A minute into the video, I decided to leave frame by frame for a while, and follow this lead. 

The first step was to get one of my colleagues to come over and draw up an approximation of the facade of the building.

The second step was to see if the agents analysing the ransom note and the USB had a lead as to whereabouts they had been.

The third step was to use a computer system, rather like a high-tech version of Google Maps street view, to attempt to track down the building. This method of tracking down locations doesn't have to higher success rate, but something told me this time it would work.

I was right. Three and a half hours later -- and while Why Don't We's Big Plans played in my headphones --  I found it. The exact location of the building where Corbyn Besson was being held hostage.

Soon I had sent the location and all the information to five agents to cross check, and upon their unanimous approval, I alerted the entire team of my discovery. We had a lead. 

I went back to my frame by frame analysis, this time to see if I could in any way identify the man in black. This was unsuccessful. I also learnt that attempts to track down the bank account the kidnappers had sent was unsuccessful. Having discovered the location, though, we had a pretty good lead. 

The next step was to take a detailed survey of the target location. 

This was done in a number of ways. Firstly, fly a plane over the building, with a Skelescanner. A Skelescanner is a device with which a building can be scanned, and the basic outlay of it is given; it enables you to sor of see inside without going in. Next, an army of SpyBugs (small, almost undetectable, robots, with cameras and microphones). These located themselves in the corners of each room, so that we suddenly had a 24 hour surveillance of the building, including the room where Corbyn was.

Then, we had to wait. This was so we could asses the movement of the kidnappers, and the field team could devise a plan to get him out of there... And communicate all the above information to Corbyn's wife, Y/n.

And then, my job would be over, and I'd hand over the baton to the field agents, and it would be action time.


Hey again! So glad you've read this far :) 

I hope you enjoyed this part and stay tuned for the next :)

'Till next part :)

(Also, if you're bored, I have an Instagram art account: @am_the_limelight)

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