Operation AAREE

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Getting a rocket or satellite to reenter the Earth's atmosphere is one of the hardest parts of any journey into space. The reason for this is because, if you take the easy option, and enter at high speed, that will get you in, but you'll also burn up like a meteor. To stop this happening, a slow entry is required. The problem with this is that it takes much fuel to do, fuel that the ship can't really carry. 

That was until some of NASA's top scientists discovered atmosfrequency. Atmosfrequency is the frequency of the sound the atmosphere itself makes, a frequency so low, and yet so fast that it's inaudible to the human ear, and hard to pick up with most current scientific equipment. The hypothesis of these scientist was that if the correct atmosfrequency was played just before a spaceship entered (or exited) the atmosphere, it would momentarily shatter the segment of atmosphere, allowing the shuttle to easily pass through.

This concept is easily demonstrated with a glass: when you play (or sing, or scream) the right frequency at a glass, the glass shatters. The problem is that the Atmosfrequency of the Earth's atmosphere isn't always the same; it fluctuates. 

Upon discovering this concept, NASA began devising an operation to put this hypothesis to the test. In the process, they added a number of small quizzes and challenges in their magazines over the course of a few months to find people who might be useful to partake in the operation. Corbyn was one of the few people who successfully solved all the puzzles, and he didn't turn down the opportunity to work with NASA. In fact, it was a dream come true. 

The operation, named Operation Atmosfrequency Atmospheric Re-Entry/Exit (AAREE), was top secret, of course. If another organisation got hold of the plans  and claimed them as their own, NASA would lose a whole bunch of money, and, anyway, that's called stealing.

Obviously, thought, one of NASA's competitors had figured out what was going on and that Corbyn was involved. 

And now, they wanted the information for themselves. Or, more likely, to sell for billions to someone who could use it...


Hey again! So glad you've kept on reading :) 

DISCLAIMER: Atmosfrequency is a concept I have invented solely for the purpose of this story. It is not actually real, so please do not go telling people it exists. Thanks :)

I hope you enjoyed this third part and stay tuned for the fourth :) 

[they should come quicker now that I've almost finished the story!]

'Till next part :)

(Also, if you're bored, I have an Instagram art account: @am_the_limelight)

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