A plan is explained

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Y/n's P.o.v.

The morning after I got the phone call, two men turned up at my front door. 

"Good morning, Mrs. Besson. Good morning, sir." He nodded to Jordan, who had come with me to the door. "My name is Micah, and this is John, and I'm with the FBI." He showed me his badge. "We have come to escort you to one of the headquarters of the FBI to discuss the situation with your husband."

Ashley, and Eben were in the living room playing with Elara. The agents said that they could all come to. We followed them to the black car, with tinted windows, parked on the street. The two men got in the front, Eben and Jordan got in the very back, and Ashley, Elara and I got in the middle. Elara had no car seat, but John said that that was okay, as long as she didn't sit in the middle seat. 

The car ride was smooth, and I got this feeling this was some high-tech car geared up with all kinds of gadgets and gizmos. The ride took about twenty minutes, and then we pulled into the underground garage of an office block. The security system was advanced, and all of us (even Elara) had to have a security scan. I was worried my four year-old daughter wouldn't cooperate, but, thankfully, she was fascinated by the whole process, and didn't complain once. 

"Welcome to the FBI headquarters of LA." A tall man in a suite and tie approached us with open arms and a warm smile. "My name is Kaleb, and I'm the boss of this HQ." He turned to Micah and John. "You you two have any work you need to do right now?" They both shook their heads no. "Good. You can come with us."

We all followed Kaleb into what I assumed was a meeting room, where he told us all to take a seat. 

"So, "Kaleb began once we were all seated, "I'm assuming Micah and John didn't really tell you anything about why you're here. Mainly because that's part of the job description. So it's up to me to inform you of the progress that has been made on our investigation, which is a lot, and then explain our plan to get Corbyn out of there without having to pay, or give up NASA's secret plans."

He proceeded to explain all about how they discovered the location, and the SpyBugs, and all the other things they had done, and then explain how they were going to move forward.

Corbyn's P.o.v.

Red-beard had come back and tried to get information out of me. It had ended in me getting another beating and a whole bunch of threats, and him losing his temper and learning nothing.

The next day, much the same thing happened. I'd been there for maybe 6 days, when finally something different happened. Red-beard had left some time earlier, and I figured I wouldn't see him again 'till the next day. I was sitting against the wall across from the window, recovering from my latest beating. This one hadn't been as bad, as Red-beard had given up quicker than other days. Suddenly, a movement in the window caught my eye. I looked closer to see what it was.

What looked like a spider, a robotic spider, about the size of a tennis ball was crawling down the wall. I watched it uneasily, unsure what else to do. It stopped in the middle of the room, and a small box rose up on a stick from the center. Before I could even guess what it might be, words begun appearing on the wall below the window. The box-thing was a projector.

Hey Corbyn. My name's Kaleb, and I'm from the FBI. (I'm not the spider-thing. That little gadget you can see here is called an Aranya and it's basically a communicating device. It projects what I want to say to you on the wall, and it has a camera and mic so I can hear/see you. Pretty cool, huh? But that's not what I need to tell you...) We're going to get you out of there today. I'm at LA's FBI headquarters (I'm the boss, by the way), where a team has been working around the clock to figure out how to get you out unharmed. Sorry it's taken us so long... Currently two of my agents have gone off to pick up your wife and daughter (and maybe whoever else is home, depending who they are), so that we can explain to them what I'm about to explain to you: How we're getting you out. Give me a wave if you're following so far.

I waved weakly.

Cool. Here's what we've got so far. Your location. The outlay of the building you're in. Who is in currently it + 24 hour surveillance on the happenings in every room (this has been done through these things called SpyBugs). A plan to get you out. But first, I have a few questions. First; how much have you had to tell them?

"Nothing," I said softly, afraid someone might hear me, "I've managed not to let anything slip... yet."

Well done! You can speak normally, by the way. No one is anywhere near your room :) Okay. Second question; how is your body holding up? You've had some pretty bad beatings... Do you think you can walk? Or run?

"I haven't tried either. I've been pretty light headed and haven't dared. I can if you want though."

No, that's fine. I'd rather you didn't pass out mid escape, you know... The plan, then, will be to break into the building and capture everyone inside. There are 8 of them currently, but, in the time we've been watching, there have been 12 different men. I think you've only met three, though.

"Yeah," I nodded, "The Red-bearded dude, the bald guy (who's name is Keith), and the scar-faced one"

Thought as much. Your job, then is to stay in your room while we capture the building. One of my agents will come and get you as soon as they can. The Aranya will stay here in case I have to update you on anything. Looking forward to meeting you in person once you're out :)


Hey again! So glad you've read this far :) Do you think the plan will work?

I hope you enjoyed this part and stay tuned for the next :)

'Till next part :)

(Also, if you're bored, I have an Instagram art account: @am_the_limelight)

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