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Anthony77: ...It's time... To make my actual move... I will shred this universe... I will destroy the Star Shrine...

Dark Star: *In his head* Yes... That's right... Let the Ztar Energy surge through you...

Anthony77 breathes heavily as Ztar Energy surges through his veins.

Anthony77: I will kill my worthless brother... I will bring my daughter back...

Dark Star: *In his head* You're doing great, Anthony... Keep it up...

Anthony77 breathes heavier as the Ztar Emergy keeps surging through him.

Anthony77: Yes... Yes...

Dark Star: *In his head* It is... Complete... Summon the SuperZtar Storm...

Anthony77 raises his hands up as his eyes start glowing and the sky starts to darken.

Anthony77: Come forth... Destroy this world...

Anthony77 glows, and a few Ztarbits start falling from the sky at a time.

Dark Star: *In his head* You did it... Now... Allow it to work itself up... This Storm will destroy this world... In the meantime... Get rid of Turlandb... Get back Kylie... Stop at NOTHING... Get rid of ANY obstacle in your path...

Anthony77: It will be done... You will be proud...

Dark Star: *In his head* I am counting on you...

Anthony77: There is another planet I wanna take over...

Dark Star: ?

Anthony77: I tried to take over that planet back in June... But Turlandb's damn daughter stopped me...

Dark Star: *In his head* What planet is it?

Anthony77: ...Planet Wisp...


Turlandb: *Sharpening his sword*

Kylie: ...

Laura: Kylie...

Kylie: ...I can't believe he's gone this far...

Laura: *Sigh*

Kylie: I don't wanna have him be put him down... But it seems like there is no other choice...

Turlandb: My brother has murdered hundreds... And he's only gonna keep going... He has to be put down... He's too dangerous to be kept alive at this point...

Kylie: *Sniff*

Laura: *Comforts Kylie*

Jen: *Cleaning her ice shield*

Emily: *Sigh*

Turlandb: ...

Emily: Damn...

Laura: You okay, sweetie?

Emily: Yeah... Just sad that Uncle Comet left...

Jen: We're sad, too. He was pretty cool.

Emily: But I have to leave soon, too... Everyone must be worried about me...

Turlandb: I don't think we have to worry about that. I'm sure Future Comet told everyone in the future that you're okay.

Emily: *Smiles*

Nick: Actually, how did you get into this timeline?

Emily: Oh. I used this.

Emily holds out her hand and the Optima Axe flies to her as she catches it.

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