The Battle at Planet Wisp

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Turlandb: We're here!

Mother Wisp: *Alien language*

Laura: Don't worry! We're here to save your planet-

Anthony77: *Roars*

Turlandb: Lemme take him on! Get Mother Wisp and the other Wisps to safety!

Turlandb flies at Anthony77.

Anthony77: Grrr?

Turlandb: Anthony, STOP! Dark Star is plaguing your mind! You can fight him out!

Anthony77: ExCUUUUUUUUUUSE me?!

Turlandb: Dark Star, get out of my brother!

A ghost of Dark Star appears.

Dark Star: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You serious?! There's no way I'm leaving him! We both have ONE goal to he achieved! Bring back Kylie!!!

Anthony77: That's right. How can you possibly think I can be saved?


Turlandb: Ain't gonna happen!

Dark Star: Take care of him. *Disappears*

Anthony77: *Cracks his knuckles*

Turlandb: I didn't wanna fight you... But it seems like that's unavoidable.

Turlandb's Power Glove glows, and the two brothers start to brawl.

Anthony77: *Grabs Turlandb and punches into his stomach*

Turlandb: Fuck...! *Punches Anthony77 with the Power Star*

Anthony77: *Flinches*

Turlandb grabs Anthony77 and starts slamming him into the ground.

Anthony77: Ah! Shit!

Turlandb: *Throws Anthony77 through a tree*

Anthony77: Oh!

Turlandb brings his brother back with the Space Star and punches him again with the Power Star.

Anthony77: Agh!

Anthony77 teleports behind Turlandb and grabs him, then does a suplex.

Turlandb: Oof!

Turlandb and Anthony78 summon their swords and start to swordfight.

Turlandb: *Trips Anthony77 over and stabs his stomach*

Anthony77: OOF!

Anthony77 teleports back up and stabs Turlandb in the shoulder.

Turlandb: AGH!

Anthony77 throws Turlandb through multiple trees.

Turlandb: Ugh!

Anthony77 flies at Turlandb. The Star God quickly summons a Grand Star and hits his brother with a beam of light.

Anthony77: *Roars in pain*

Turlandb throws his sword and it stabs through Anthony77's mouth, spraying a lot of blood.


Turlandb flies at Anthony77. The Ztar God quickly recovers and stabs through Turlandb's shoulder*

Turlandb: ARGH!

Anthony77: *Sticks two knives into Turlandb's mouth and rips his jaw open, creating a very bloody smile.


Turlandb quickly kicks Amthony77 away from him and heals all of his wounds.

Turlandb: Jesus...!

Anthony77: *Heals all of his wounds*

Turlandb: Grrr...

Anthony77: You're wasting your time. You cannot defeat me, and you know it.

Turlandb: That's what you think.

Turlandb throws a Grand Star at Anthony77 as it stabs into his chest.

Anthony77: *Roars in pain*

Turlandb: *Rips the Grand Star out and whacks him across the face with it*

Anthony77: FUCK!

Anthony77 summons his own Grand Ztar.

Turlandb: I can kill Dark Star and save you, Anthony!

Anthony77: I don't think so! I don't need saving! You have no reason to save me at all!

Turlandb: ...Actually, I do.

Anthony77: ?

Turlandb: Though I'd rather not say.

Anthony77: What the hell are you talking about-

Turlandb tackles Anthony77.

Anthony77: OOF!

Turlandb: It's time to save you and kill Dark Star once and for all.

Turlandb stabs his sword through Anthony77's chest.

Anthony77: *Roaring in pain*

Turlandb: Come on...!


Mother Wisp: *Alien language*

Emily: We'll get you out!

A giant Grand Ztar falling from the sky suddenly slams into Mother Wisp.

Mother Wisp: *Roars in pain*

Wisps: *Alien language* (MAMA!)

Luna: The rain of Ztars is harming her!

Laura summons a shield around Mother Wisp.

Laura: There you go!

Jen: Nice!

Emily: Good thinking, Mom!

Turlandb: *Hits a tree* OOF!

Anthony77: Where the hell do you think youxre going, Mother Wisp?!

Mother Wisp: O_O

Jen: NO! Stay away from her!

Anthony77 pushes everyone back and punches through Mother Wisp, instantly draining all of her Hyper-Go-On from her body.

Turlandb: OH, SHIT!!!

Anthony77 absorbs all the Hyper-Go-On energy.

Anthony77: Yes...

Mother Wisp: *Turns into Nega-Mother Wisp*

Laura/Nick: NO!!!


Emily: All the Wisps are safe back on- WHAT THE?!

Anthony77: *Disappears*

Jen: Oh, man...! We gotta save her!

Nega-Mother Wisp's size suddenly increases to 300m in height.


Emily: What are we gonna do?!

Luna: ...I know what to do... We need to summon the new Star Titan...

Laura: ...She's already here.

Jen: Oh? Where is she?

Laura: ...Standing right in front of you.

Everyone: *Metal Gear Solid detected SFX*

Laura: The new Star Titan... Is me.


I know, this chapter is a little shorter than the others so far, but hopefully you still enjoyed!


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