Final Battle

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Meanwhile, in London...

A Grand Ztar floats above the city.

Anthony77: This Grand Ztar... It shall grow... Grow... And grow... I can destroy this WHOLE city with this Grand Ztar...

The Grand Ztar starts slowly growing in size.

Anthony77: Once it grows big enough... It will rain hell on this city!

Cop 1: What the hell is going on up there?

Cop 2: Who cares? These donuts are fucking amazing!

Man: Am I high? There's a dude flying around up there.

Woman: Oh, you're seeing things, sweetheart.

Man: Are you sure-

The good guy gang suddenly appears.

Woman: O_O

Man: I knew it! I'm not high! I'm drunk as fuck!

Brandon: Holy shit...

Jacob: This is London...?

Andy: It's beautiful...

Turlandb: ...It may be beautiful right now, but my brother is up there!!!

Everyone looks up and sees Anthony77 floating next to the Grand Ztar.

Anthony77: Hehehehehehehe...

Jennifer: Shit...

Luna: This is going to be tough as hell...

???: Yo, who the fuck is that up there? He looks, sounds, and he has powers that are super familiar...

Everyone: ?

A male teenager wearing swag-ass sunglasses is also looking up at Anthony77.

???: That cannot be good...

Brandon: !!!!! I know who that is...!!!

Devin: What-

Brandon: YO!

???: Dafuq?

Brandon: HI!

???: ...Have I seen you in a face reveal on Wattpad before? There's someone on there that looks exactly like you.

Brandon: Is his name TheStarGod?

???: Yes...

Brandon: Yeah, you're talking to him right now.

???: What...? O_O

Brandon: Yes. :)

???: Brandon...?

Brandon: That's me! I can only assume you're Infinitetheedge?


Brandon: Heya, Mitch!

Mitch: Damn, I didn't think a day like this would ever happen!

Brandon: Well, it did.

Mitch: You here on vacation?

Brandon: No, I'm here to save the world.

Mitch: Wot?

Brandon: My WHOLE SMG4 crew, along with my character, his wife, his daughter, his granddaughter, his future son-in-law, the Rabbids from Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, and even Luna, Raiko, and Clark are here to stop Anthony77.

Mitch: Jesus Christ- Wait... Luna...?


Brandon/Mitch: !

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