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In small town in Japan kales Kuoh, a young teen no older than 17 years old can be seen sitting on the roof of Kuoh academy. He had a depressed expression on his face tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

This boy was none other than Issei Hyoudou, a member of the infamous perverted trio that was hated by almost every female in the school. Now one would ask why wasn't he doing his usual thing which was peeking at the girls in the Kendo club or hanging out with The ORC, well the answer was simple.
To put it simply, they were sick of his perverted antics and kicked him out of the club telling him only to come when he was needed. When people heard about him getting kicked out, nasty rumors started to spread about how he had taken advantage of the girls in the ORC and he started to get shunned by everyone. It eventually got worse when his parents got word of it, they had snapped and told him he was no longer their son and threw him out with all his stuff (which was mostly porn mags).

Which brings us to where we are, the former Hyoudou was looking down in deep thought. He was thinking about how his perversion ended up with him in this situation.

Issei: 'Am I really so pathetic. *sigh* I guess it was my fault that I ended up like this. I let my perversion get the better of me and I payed the price for it.' Thought the brunette as a sigh escaped his mouth as he once again began to recall the events that led to him being here and wincing when he remembered the beatings that were delivered to him by the kendo club.

Issei: 'Now that I think about it, why was I so obsessed with being harem king anyways. I mean while it is every guy's dream, it is also a pain in the ass to deal with. Besides, no girl would ever want to be with a pervert like me.' Thought Issei sadly before a deep voice resounded in his head which was none other than the Red dragon emperor Ddraig himself.

Ddraig: 'Don't be so down partner, at least you realized it rather than ignore it and continue thinking with your "second head" and stay weak and pathetic. If anything, I guess you should thank them for snapping out of that mindset.' Rumbled the dragon who actually looked concerned for his partner's wellbeing. The dragon may not admit it. But he was impressed with the boy's devotion to save his master and was disappointed with everyone for turning their backs on him after actually freeing Rias. However, he still had to thank them for waking his partner up as he doesn't want his partner to stay week and pathetic.

Issei: 'I guess you are right Ddraig but that doesn't mean it hurts. I trusted them and worked so hard to impress them despite being a pervert yet they thew it all away like it was nothing.' Thought the boy as his shoulders slumped.

Ddraig: 'Then why don't you just leave.' The dragon said, his words catching Issei off guard.

Issei: "Wha-what did you say?" Said the brown-haired boy our loud. He thought he misheard the dragon as he couldn't believe that Ddraig just said that.

Ddraig: 'You heard me partner, if this place brings too much pain to you then leave this place. You can travel to new places, learn new things, make new friends and there is nothing there stopping you.' Said the dragon knowing what his partner was thinking.

Issei: 'But I'm still Rias's pawn. If I leave, I'll be branded a stray.' Thought back the 17-year old who seemed worried at the prospect of being hunted down and killed.

Ddraig: 'That is why I will help train you, I can't have a weak host now can I? And as for the pawn pieces, I can remove them but I would have to turn you into a full dragon and there would be a 50/50 chance of you dying." Told him the dragon which got him to mull over whether to do it or not.

***Meanwhile, in the far reaches of space***

Far away from Earth, in the exact center of the universe, a small planet can be seen floating there. On the surface of the planet, lies an ancient temple. Inside the temple, was a small pedestal with a book floating on it. Throughout the temple, mysterious tunes were materializing and getting absorbed into the book. This book was none other than the book of Fate and it was currently searching the Universe for someone worthy of wielding it's powers.

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