Chapter 1

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Issei was nervous. Pretty understandable as he was standing at the door of the kendo club who hated his guts. He was tempted to just leave but he quickly shook that thought away. He had to do this, he looked down at the Book of Fate that was currently resting in his right hand and then willed it the disappear. He then took a deep breath and knocked on the door and waited.

A few seconds later, the was door opened on the other side were none other than Muruyama and Katase. As soon as they saw who was at the door, their curious looks morphed into ones of disgust.

Katase: "What do you want Hyoudou." The pink haired first said spitting out his old family name with venom. However, they were genuinely surprised when Issei bowed at at them in an apologetic manner.

Issei: "I want to apologize for all the times I peeked at you. I know you won't forgive me and I understand if you don't want to see me again." Said the brown haired boy to the now gaping duo. This was something they never thought they would see. However, Katase was the first to shake out of her stupor and glared at the boy once more.

Katase: "Your right about that! In fact it would be better for everyone if you were to just die!" Shouted the girl not realizing what she was saying, even Muruyama was surprised by her words. Once the words reached the pinkette's ears, she realized what she said and clearly wanted to say something when Issei interrupted her

Issei: "I see, I'm sorry for disturbing you and I'll leave you alone. By the way Katase, I suggest you don't call me Hyoudou." Issei told her to which she regained her bearings and glared at him once more.

Katase: "And why should I do that?" Said the girl not knowing that she will come to regret asking that question. She and Muruyama were surprised when he gave them a smile. Not a perverted one, but one that was tired of the world and full of sadness.

 Not a perverted one, but one that was tired of the world and full of sadness

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Issei: "Because the Hyoudou's disowned me." Was his simple reply as he walked away leaving behind two girls that had expressions full of guilt and regret although the pinkette was feeling the bulk of it.

***timeskip, Phenex estate***

Issei appeared at the gate of the Phenex mansion in a flash of light thanks to the Book of Fate. He then looked the Phenex estate and sweat dropped at the design.

Issei: 'Wow, they sure went overboard with the whole fire theme.' He thought before he shook the thought and approached the door where he saw some guards who pointed their spears at him.

Guard 1: "State is your business here." Demanded one of the guards.

Issei: "I would like to speak with Riser a Phenex if you don't mind, tell him Rias Gremory's pawn wishes to see him." He told them. The two guards looked at each other for a moment before nodding their heads and turned to the brunette.

Guard 2: "Very well, we will let Riser-sama know yo want to see him, wait here until we return." Said the second guard as they both walked in and Issei ha dome to wait five minutes before they returned and invited him inside. He was amazed by the architecture and design of the inside as he continued to follow the guards. They eventually reached a giant room which Issei guessed was for guests. He was also greeted with the sight of Riser and his peerage. He also noticed that Riser didn't have the same arrogant look he had before.

Riser: "Hyoudou." Stated the Phenex in an even voice. Iseei met Riser's gaze with his own an the two look like they were about to fight once again when Riaer surprised everyone by bowing his head apologetically.

Riser: "I apologize for my actions, I was too arrogant and believed that my Phenex powers were enough. Thanks to you beating me, I learned a valuable lesson and I also thank you for that." Said Riser to a now shellshocked Issei who was surprised that Riser Phenex of all people was apologizing to him. Quickly regaining himself, Iseei did his own bow and spine to Riser.

Issei: "There is no need to apologize, I was only doing what was right. Also I wanted to apologize for using those holy items on you as it was the only way." Said Issei surprising Riser who then smiled and offered his hand.

Riser: "Well nevertheless, I hope we could start over Hyoudou." Said Riser and Iseei smiles and took his hand shaking it into his own. Issei then apologized to his peerage especially Ile, Nel, and Mira for using his dress break on them. It took a while but now he was on good terms with them.

Riser: "By the way, why is it that only you are here?" Asked Riser wondering why he showed up on his own. Issei's expression darkened slightly before he explained to them how he was kicked out of the Orc, shunned by his peers, and disowned by his family. By the end of his story, Riser and his peerage were mad and disappointed in Rias, he also realized how lucky he was for not marrying her.

Riser: "What are you going to do about it?" Asked the Phenex wanting to help his new friend. He and the others were shocked when Issei showed them the Book ofFate and explained what happened. Iseei then told them of his plan and everyone was impressed with the plan. He bid them farewell as they wouldn't see each other in a while then he disappeared in a flash of light like he did before. Riser then turned to his peerage and was surprised to see all of his peerage besides Yubellena blushing slightly. Realizing what was going on, Riser let out a feral grin which was followed by his queen.

Riser: "My Yubellena, it seems that my peerage has fallen for the boy." He told his queen playfully while his peerage turned bright red and started sputtering out denials. This was going to be fun for the two of them and for once in his life, Riser was glad to be beaten by a low-class.

***Back with Issei***

Issei Reappeared in front of a fountain in the middle of a park, he remembered this place as the place where he first became a devil.  He then pulled out the book that would change his life and began his plan. Using the book, he created a clone of himself who just stood there Like a statue. Next, he transferred his pawn pieces inside the clone turning him human again. Next, he wrote a suicide letter and had the clone impale itself with a knife and the clone collapsed onto the floor with a thump and lay there in a pool of it's own blood and Iseei left the note on the clone. Satisfied with his 'death', Issei then prepared himself as he was about to leave this world for some time.

Issei: "You ready Ddraig." Asked the boy.

Ddraig: "I'm ready partner." Replied the dragon in his arm. And with that, they disappeared not to return for a long time.

There we go! That took longer than I was expecting but I hope you guys like the story so far and yes, I made Riser good because you don't see many of those around.

See you all next time Byeeeeee!

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