Chapter 8

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*1 month later*

In Kuoh, a figure could be seen walking through the streets towards Kuoh academy. This era on was none other that Issei Kaiser who was going by the alias of Nomura Atsushi (used a name generator, apparently means compassionate warrior.). Issei wanted to visit his old home because he wanted to know how everyone took his "death" as while he can't forgive them, he doesn't hold any grudges since it was his fault for taking it too far. However, both Ophis and Ddraig weren't on the same boat as him and tried to stop him from going and Ophis even asked him why didn't he just use his power as he will know everything thanks to the combined powers of the mind stone and the book of fate. His answer was that he didn't want to grow dependent on the power only using what he needed when he needed it, that and knowing every single that has happened, is happening, or will happen sounds like a massive headache.

When he approached the school he was surprised to see that many of the students seemed to have a depressed aura surrounding them. Approaching a student, he asked them why was everyone so down and the student's answer surprised him.

Student: "It started around three months ago, the school pervert Issei Hyoudou was kicked out of his club and we though that he had done some unspeakable things to the girls in the club and because of that we started to bully him and it got so bad that he committed suicide. After his suicide, we learned the truth that he was kicked out because his club members were tired of his perverted nature and we all felt terrible for what we did to him." Said the student with a few tears leaking from his eyes as he told Issei what happened. The silver haired boy was surprised that they actually felt bad for him as he just assumed they would get over it in a week but they actually took it harder than he thought.

Issei: "I'm sorry for what happened, let's hope he's in a better place." He said and the student nodded his head and the two parted ways shortly after. Issei then decided he has to make things right, he may not have forgiven them but that is because it must be earned, it doesn't matter whether or not they were right, what they said back then hurt and simply saying sorry won't fix it.

Issei then approached the student council and knocked on the door and waited. It took a moment, but he was answered by a brief "come in" and when he opened the door, he was greeted to the sight of Sona Sitri who was busy doing paperwork. When he entered, Sona stopped to look at Issei and gave him a calculating gaze before smiling.

Sona: "Hello, are you by any chance the new transfer student?" She asked while in her head, she could tell that there was something familiar about him.

Issei: "Yes I'm Nomura Atsushi, and I've been homeschooled my whole life, *bows down* please take care of me." He said and Sona nodded her head before she gave him his schedule Issei headed to his first class of the day. Throughout the day, however, he ran into all of the ORC members and they all seemed depressed. Massaging his forehead, Issei knew that something had to be done as this will affect their performance and he didn't want that to happen especially in rating games.

Wanting to find a good opportunity to reveal himself, Issei's eyes started to glow green as he started to look for a good time to reveal himself to the others and he found one. It turns out that in a few days, a group of rogue fallen angels under the leadership of Kokabiel will steal three fragments of this world's Excalibur and the church will send two exorcists to retrieve them. The best time to reveal himself would be during the fight against the fallen angel leader.

Finding he self on the roof, Issei sat down and pulled out a lunch that he made and started to eat it. He may not need food but it as delicious and he wanted to enjoy the food rather than fell sorry for it later. He was suddenly snapped out of his culinary bliss by the door to the roof opening and none other than Koneko herself entering. Koneko then sat down on the the side of the roof opposite to Issei and started eating without saying a word. A few moments later, Issei decided to break the silence.

Issei: "Nice weather we having today?" He said and Koneko gave him a small nod before going back to her lunch. Issei took the hint and decided to leave her alone and finish his own lunch. When he was done, he pulled out a small chocolate bar and Koneko immediately gave it a longing look. Realizing this, Issei tossed her the chocolate surprising her. She gave him a small smile before ace started scarfing it down and her eyes widened. She recognized that bar as one that Issei would always get her when he tried apologizing to her for being a pervert. Without noticing it, tears started to collect at her eyes worrying the white haired boy in front of her.

Issei: "Hey are you alright?" He asked worried about why she just started crying all of a sudden. She never cried back when he knew her. Just how much did his death affect her?

Koneko: "Yeah I'm fine. *wipes tears away* It's just that this chocolate was the same one that someone I knew brought me as an apology, me and my friends pushed him away and he *sob* and he *sob* killed himself because of us, I may have hated his guts but none of us wanted this to happen." Said Koneko letting out sobs near then before she was surprised when she was suddenly hugged by Issei.

Issei: "It's okay, I'm sure that wherever he is, he is watching and understands what you have to do." He told her soothingly while rubbing her back. Hearing this, Koneko couldn't help but remember what happened at the start of the rating game with Riser, one of the last times they were ever on friendly conditions.


As both Issei and Koneko were waiting for Riser to send his peerage members, Koneko tugged the brown-haired boy's sleeve geeing his attention.

Koneko: "Issei-senpai, give me courage." She said shyly while looking away from him.

She was surprised when Issei grabbed her shoulders making her look at him directly into his chocolate-brown eyes

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She was surprised when Issei grabbed her shoulders making her look at him directly into his chocolate-brown eyes.

Issei: "You'll be fine, no matter what happens to you I'll protect you." He said with a sincere smile on his face.

*****flashback end*****

Remembering that, Koneko only started to cry harder as she clung onto Issei releasing her pent up emotions. She hated what she and the others caused. She knew what it was like to be abandoned by your family and knowing that they were the cause of this as well as his suicide, she felt like she was no better than her sister.

Koneko: 'Issei-senpai I'm so sorry please forgive me.'

And done! I hope you all enjoyed that little heartfelt moment between Issei and Koneko and I plan to have a few more as the story progresses

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And done! I hope you all enjoyed that little heartfelt moment between Issei and Koneko and I plan to have a few more as the story progresses. If you have any suggestions please let me know and have a nice day and stay safe everyone.


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