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So I'm just gonna describe in rp ig wonekdwomxdk

Okay u h Tobi Annabelle Perez my t h i q q skinnie gorl
She's 23, mostly Italian, 5'4 and Bi
She grew up with her older brother Tony and their abusive father (where she got her eyebrow scar) Marino in an apartment in Oakland till she was 9 and her brother was 18 so he could take her with him away from their father to LA
When she turned 20, she moved out and got her own apartment where she got a job as a bar tender in a popular club in downtown LA
She's a fiesty bb but she has a soft side if you can get close enough with her
She's currently in art college to be a professional photographer and enjoys taking pictures of people she likes
She has two pitbulls named Checkers and Flash


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