A little vent ...

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So I know I'm probably not the only one having a panic attack over covid-19 but I just cried for like ten minutes because I'm a paranoid little shit who was sobbing about how they probably would never get to meet their gf

I have a massive headache, my nose is stuffed to hell, I feel like I'm having a panic attack every five seconds because I'm missing my gf, my friends, or something and I think the worst

I just really can't take it but I'm trying my best to control everything- I'm just really restless and sad and anxious right now so expect some vent art soon I guess
Or just gore art I don't know anymore

Anyways um I think that's it for now
Hopefully this dies down a bit and I can talk to her soon cause if I can't I'm probably just gonna sit in my room and cry over not being able to see my grandma some more ig

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