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Welcome back to I can't draw braids/dreads but these look okay??

Name: Madi Grace Rodriguez

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Sexuality: Lesbian

Gender: M+F

VC: Renee Goldsberry


Madi is Lucas' older sister (I redesigned him a bit I'll post him later-). She is mostly like him yet has more of an anger issue but keeps it more under control than Lucas does.

She's a pro-wrestler even though she's discriminated against for being trans. She's very muscly but has some curve to her figure (thighs, hips and b o o tie). She works as a bartender part time but the money from wrestling keeps her and Alex very comfortable.

She works out a lot (normally 4 days a week) but sometimes has a rare cheat day with her girlfriend.

She's had all of her surgeries but would roundhouse you if you asked about it cause like why you need to know??

Before she had come out, her and Lucas' father was very loud and proud about his hatred for lgbt people and such, so she kept quiet in fear. After their mother had divorced and put him in jail, Madi came out and was fully accepted where she also accepted her brother as he came out as Bi.

Madi and Alex have been dating since she was in Sophmore year and Alex was in Freshman year of High-school. They'd always had crushes on eachother since they met when they were little, but never spoke up till then.

•Madi has two eyebrow piercings and both of her nippies pierced as well
•She's a big ol t o p™️ and constantly teases Alex
•She has 'vampire teeth' or where her canines are overly sharp 👀

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