Have a dum oneshot ig

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I'm bored and wanna write so here's this cause I really like the outsiders aksksskdkekdnke-
trigger warning: blood, violence, homophobia

"It would be nice if you would shut up. For once."

Lowery blinked slowly, looking over at the brunette, who glared back. Lowery huffed and crossed his arms.

"Well sorry, Skates" the darker male huffed, making the other roll his eyes. Skates sighed heavily and went back to his book in silence, with Lowery staring at him. After a moment, Skates slammed the book shut out of agitation, glaring at him once more.

"What." Skates snapped, Lowery blinking. The other huffed.

"Why do you hate me?"

Skates stared at Lowery before letting out a sort of snort.

"Hate you?" He echoed, earning a nod from the older male. Skates sat back, his nose scrunching before he sighed through his nose, shaking his head.

"I don't- I don't hate you..." Skates started, but couldn't finish it. He didn't hate Lowery, honest, but the male could be a handful that Skates didn't want to deal with when trying to study for tests - especially for Science. Not finishing his run-on, he stared at Lowery for a moment, the other doing the same. Skates broke the silence, clearing his throat. He looked down.

"I'm sorry.." Skates mumbled, scratching his neck, "I don' hate you, honest, Lowe.." he sighed, looking up at him with a frown. The darker shook his head, giving the shorter male a sweet grin.

"Don't sweat it, Skates" Lowery hummed, ruffling the male's spiky hair. The brunette grunted and smacked his hand away, running a hand through the disturbed curls.

"Piss off, ya big lug" Skates sneered, earning a cheesy grin from his best friend. Skates rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the smile that inched across his freckled face, crossing his arms. He glanced down at his faded watch, sighing. Skates stood from the Library table with a sigh, grabbing his worn jean jacket from the back of his chair. Lowery's grin turned slightly.

"Headin' home?" Lowery asked, earning a small nod from the shorter teen. "Do youse want me to—"

Skates cut him off, shaking his head. "I'll be fine alone, I'se swear" he hummed, sighing when Lowery gave him his signature puppy eyes. The male rolled his eyes and huffed, but smiled. "You big dog, fine" Skates huffed, earning an ear to ear grin from the male. Lowery stood with a hum, zipping his leather jacket up.


Skates hooked his thumbs in his belt loops, looking down at his beat up boots as Lowery droned on about something Skates knew zilch about. He glanced at Lowery when he suddenly stopped, making him stop as well. He looked up at the darker with a confused look.

"Lowe? What's up?" Skates huffed, following the male's eyes across the road. He felt his eye twitch as he saw four Socs strolling over, glancing at Lowery anxiously after he saw one wielding a bat. Lowery squinted his eyes, one hand going into his pocket for his brass knuckles. Skates let out a short breath as the Socs reached them- seeing the smug looks on their faces made him cringe.

"Hey, greases" Nickolas sneered. Skates shuffled his feet, grunting when Lowery shifted in-front of him.

"Lowe-" he mumbled, gripping the male's jacket sleeve. Lowery only growled as the Socs smirked.

"Protectin' your boyfriend, huh?" Nickolas taunted, earning a harsh glare from Lowery. The darker slipped on his brass knuckles, making the Socs falter slightly, yet rounded with them becoming angry. Nickolas gave another smirk, taking a few steps towards the muscular male, "do something-" he snickered, shoving Lowery backwards, "pussy."

Lowery twitched and launched a punch, landing it against Nickolas' jaw. The platinum blonde stumbled backwards, being caught by his goons. Nickolas stood, rolling his jaw. He glared and hissed.

"Get his fuckin' boyfriend" Nickolas snapped, two of the other Socs, one with a switchblade and the other with the bat, came at Lowery, who tried swinging punches, witch resulted in a gut punch, letting out a grunt as he doubled over.

"Skates-!" He croaked, but the brunette was already trying to run for it, letting out a pained noise when he was shoved to the concrete. Skates went to get up, hissing when his hair was gripped and  face shoved to the ground, wincing. He squirmed and thrashed, hearing the Socs cackle.

Nickolas tussled with Lowery before managing to restrain him by the arms with the help of his 'friend', Lowery squirming in anger before his coarse curls were gripped to keep his head in place. Nickolas laughed lowly as the other two restrained Skates easily, the male's skinny stature no match for the Socs' minor muscles. Nickolas smirked and gripped Lowery's chin.

"What? Scared we're hurting your poor boyfriend?" Nickolas sneered, hissing when Lowery bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood. "Cut the queer!" Nickolas snapped. Skates pleaded and squirmed, panting from adrenaline as the switchblade was poked against his cheek, whimpering when it broke the skin. Skates managed to kick the Socs away, letting out a scream when the blade cut his cheek.

Seeing red, Lowery managed to kick Nickolas' legs out from under him, grabbing the other Socs by the sweater collar and throwing him to the ground. The two that restrained Skates grew white, abandoning the other two as they ran off in a different direction. Skates tripped and fell, cupping his cheek in pain. He winced when arms engulfed him, laying against the chest with a whimper as he heard the rest of the Socs be chased away. The brunette sniffled and glanced up at Lowery, who's eyes were wide in fear - Skates didn't like that.

"Skate, a-are you okay?" Lowery panted, looking him over. He frowned deeply at the cut, making Skates shy away. Two other faces popped up behind Lowery, features just as distraught.

"They'se did a number, huh-" Kenny puffed on his weed, grunting when the redhead next to him slapped his chest.

"Don't take a piss on him now, Ken" Venus grunted, shooting a glare at the tan male. Kenny rolled his eyes, huffing.

"I'se just sayin.." Kenny mumbled, looking over when two others came bounding back from chasing the Socs away.

"Is he okay?" The taller grunted, pushing past Kenny and Venus. Skates kept his face pressed against Lowery's white - well once white - tee, calming down slowly from the warmth he gave.

"He's fine...just a little cut-" Lowery rumbled, hearing Skate's older brother snort.

"A little cut? He's soakin' your shirt so much it looks like ya murdered someone!" Checkers grunted, smacking the back of Lowery's head. The blonde that helped Checkers glanced over, blinking.

"We should really get him to a doctor, or to y'all's mom, Checks" Troy inquired, making the vitiligo male turn on him.

"That's a horrible idea, Troy" Checkers hissed, sighing when Lowery and Skates stood. He glanced at them with a grumble. "...suppose you're right though- what We sayin'?"

Skates held his cheek, huffing. "Use cut myself on accident, enda it" he mumbled, holding onto Lowery. Checkers rolled his eyes but nodded.

"'Lright, Kenny- put it out, don't be smellin' like weed when we go in" Checkers huffed, making Kenny scoff.

Is sucky but there ahahaha

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