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Name; Trever Luis Davids

Age; 18

Gender; Cis-Male

Sexuality; Pansexual

Height; 5'5

Voice Claim; Bryan Dechart

Trever is the youngest out of 6 siblings. His father, Francis-Sullivan Davids, is a wealthy man who owns a large clothing company and his mother, Grace Lillian Scott-Davids, is also wealthy and works in photography.

Trever, unlike the rest of his siblings who are loud and 'sophisticated' as they go out and drink and party, he is a mostly silent and introverted man. He has few friends in real life, but has many online. He's what his older siblings call 'spoilt' since he was the only one who got persistent good grades throughout school and was increasingly babied by Grace and Francis.

Trever has milky white skin compared to most of his families slightly darker complexions, though has their dark brown afro he keeps in a ponytail most days. He has brown eyes that turn an almost golden color in the right light and freckles all over. He has somewhat of a stomach, but he feels okay in modeling in the clothes his father's industry gives him to work with.

Trever really likes hugs and all kinds of affection, but doesn't like asking so he just kinda sits there until someone initiates it. He really likes sleeping in his fluffy sweaters, so don't be surprised to see him in the summer dying because he's sleeping in one-


He has a golden lab named Hunter he got when he was younger who's his pride and joy.
He has a few small scars on his torso from some surgeries he needed to get when he was younger.

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