Chapter Two

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Peter pulled out a chair and sat down next to me.

"NO! I don't want to go with you! I don't want to believe this is real! And I want you to go away," I screamed at him!

Peter looked taken back and... Amused?

"It's okay I knew your mother."

"Oh, that puts me at so much ease," I replied back sarcastically, "If you are supposed to be my guardian then why didn't you save my mom?"

"I was not yet a fully trained guardian and your mom was your guardian at the time, once she died I had to rush my training so I could take her place as guardian."

"So, how old are you Peter?"

"Well where I come from I would be a lot older than you but I look, and feel, Twenty-five because earth is kinda connected to my planet."

"Wow, that's kinda hard to understand."

"I know."

"I don't know how I feel about all this?"

"I know your new at this but don't worry you'll get used to it."

"What if I don't want to get used to it? What if I just want to be normal?" I said back to him.

He sighed. We sat there quietly for a while and then Peter said, "Well your customers are going to be coming soon, we should get this place cleaned up."

I looked around and saw the big mess we made. There where chairs and tables knocked over from the fight, and there was green blood everywhere. Surprisingly though, there was no leftover green goop from where my dad had disappeared into the hole.

He smiled down at me and I smiled back. He was right the customers were not going to understand what happened here. "How I'm I going to clean all this up before they start coming?" I asked.

"Well, one I'm going to help you and two I also froze time for a while," he stated with a sly smile.

"How did you do that?"

"Well every guardian is able to freeze time for a while, and if they want to have someone with them they simply think about that person while freezing time."

"Do you need like some kind of tool to freeze time or do you just use your mind? I asked him.

"I just use my mind," Peter replied, "Now come on we need to clean up."

We each started to clean up on opposite sides of the dining area; Peter moved the furniture back into place as I swept.

It took no time at all for us to have the place back to normal, not that we needed to rush with time being frozen. And soon, it was as if nothing had even happened.

Peter unfroze time with his mind, and it wasn't long before the customers began flowing in. They came and went all day without the slightest notion of what I went through that morning.

Peter kept a low profile, sitting in the corner booth and hiding his face in a book, while I worked.

Soon it was time to close up, and once all the customers had left Peter helped me with the nightly cleaning.



"Where did my dad go when he went into the hole?"

"Well when lagooners die they always go back to where they originally came from so there soul can be used for another lagooner."

"Oh okay. Um Peter, thank you for helping me out today."

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