Chapter Four

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The next morning I awoke to the sun peeking in through the curtains. I got up and walked over to them. I peeked out and saw people walking to and fro.

The door opened and in walked Peter with a tray of food. "Oh good morning. I was hoping you would still be sleeping so I could surprise you with breakfast in bed."

I said nothing and sat down at the head of the bed.

"Um anyway, here I brought you breakfast."

"Thanks," I replied dryly.

Peter put the tray on the dresser before sitting down next to me.

I scooted away from him, and he gave me a sad look.

"Katie I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. Is there anything I can do?"

"I would like to be left alone."

"I understand," Peter said as he got up and headed towards the door.

"Um, when your done eating we have to go train."


With that, Peter left the room and I was alone.

I didn't feel like eating anything, but I couldn't resist the nice slices of watermelon, pancakes, and plus I didn't eat yesterday. Before I knew it, all the food was gone and in my stomach. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

"You ready to go?" Peter asked.

I replied with a nod and we headed out the door and towards the forest. Once we got there Peter wasted no time getting started.

We finished training at lunchtime and we headed to the burger joint.

A waiter came to take our orders and we ordered the hamburger special. The waiter walked off to go get our orders and I was grateful that it wasn't Cal you had come, but I thought too soon because here came Cal with our orders.

I ignored her as she set the plate down and just tried to concentrate on my food.

Cal tried to talk to Peter but he told her to go away.

Cal stomped off mad and I had to stop myself from laughing.

When we finished eating Peter stopped a passing waiter and asked, "Can I pay the bill now?"

"Yes sir, just one second, and I'll send someone over." The waiter stated.

It didn't take long for someone to come, and that someone was Cal.

I ignored her as she took the plates, but once she had gathered them all she quickly kissed Peter on the cheek and walked away.

Peter sat in shock and I took off after her, shoving her hard on the floor before saying, "I don't like the way you think you can do whatever you want, and think I won't do anything. Stay away from us or you'll get more than a push."

I quickly walked outside and stood by the door, luckily no one was inside to see what happened except for Peter, and Peter came out looking furious.

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