Chapter Six

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"What do you need my help with?" James asked with an attitude.

"You are going to help us break into the guardian headquarters," Peter stated.

"What!" James exclaimed.

"You heard me," Peter stated.

"There is no way that I will help you do that."

"Come on James. This is are the best chance to find out what they really want Katie for."

"Alright, I'll help you, but only because of Katie."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing." James quickly stated.

Peter gave James a dirty look before saying, "Okay here's the plan. Since you know the place from inside out you will help us get in and out, and help us get to the room where they keep the files. Then we will be able to see what they really want."

"Okay fine." James agreed.

"Fine?" Peter questioned.

"Yes, fine!" James stated.

"Alright, you don't have to yell. I just wasn't expecting you to agree so readily." Peter stated.

"Whatever. When are you planning on doing this?" James asked.

"Tomorrow," Peter stated

."Maybe you should stay here tonight so we all can be ready tomorrow?" I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," James stated as he shot Peter a mischievous smile.

Peter returned the smile as he said, "Yes you can stay in the far guest bedroom.

James shot Peter a dirty look and then sat down on the couch with an attitude.

"I need to talk to you Katie," Peter stated in a low voice.

I glanced over at James to see his reaction, but he was to busy pouting so I let Peter guide me to his room.

Once inside we sat on his bed and then Peter looked at me with a sad smile.

"What's wrong Peter? What did you want to talk to me about?"

Peter took a deep breath before saying, "I want to tell you everything about me, but what I'm going to tell you is going to change the way you see the guardians and I'm not sure you'll believe.

"I looked into Peters's eyes as I said, "I'll believe you."

Peter reached for my hand and I gave it to him."Okay, I'll start at the beginning. Years ago there was a war going on between the guardian and the lagooners. The guardian wanted the lagooners to be under there rule, but the lagooners were having none of that so a war began. The lagooners were losing the fight so they called all of the men of there race to come train and fight for there freedom. All the men came, including my father. My mother didn't want him to go because she feared he would be killed and wouldn't be able to see me be born, but my father was a retired general so he had no choice but to go. Although once he took over command they started winning and hope was restored to the lagooner race, but the old general was mad that my father had taken his job and on top of that he was doing a better job than him. So sadly he killed him and the lagooners lost the war. My mother was in despair once she found out that my father was killed. She attempted suicide but her family stopped her, but after I was born she attempted once again and succeeded. So I was left to stay with my great aunt, she is the one who told me what happened during the war, but soon the guardian folk came after my race and so they fled but not all of them made it. The guardian took as many lagooners as they could and did experiments on them. One of them being me.

I remember the night they took me. I was asleep in my room and I was awoken by the sound of my aunt screaming. I quickly went to her room to find her dead on the floor with a puddle of blood around her. It didn't take long for me to notice a man standing in the corner of the room. I tried to run but he caught me before I was able to leave the room. I kicked and punched as an attempt to free myself but the man punched me in the face instantly knocking me out. When I awoke I found myself in a room with white walls and one door. I quickly went to the door to see if it was unlocked but to my dismay, it was locked. I started to panic and began yelling for someone to come and help me, but no one ever came. I stayed in the room for what I was sure was hours. I soon fell asleep and when I awoke again I heard footsteps coming closer and soon after a man opened the door to my room. He came over to where I was standing and asked me to follow him. I did as he asked and he leads me to their experiment room. After they had experimented on me and made me one of them they began training me. If I attempted to disobey them they would beat me, but finally when I was fully trained they erased my memories of my old life and gave me new ones. Memories of them supposedly taking great care of me and how all lagooners are bad. I then set out to find you, and you know the rest."

"Wow, okay," I stated amazed.

"Do you believe me?" Peter asked quietly.

"Yes," I stated.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do. It may seem unbelievable for the guardians to do something like that, but it all makes sense."

We both sat in silence as we thought about what Peter just told me. That's when I noticed that Peter was still holding my hand, and how close he was sitting next to me. I could smell the cologne he used, and it made me want to lean into him.

Peter must have noticed because he slowly scooted closer to me before gently putting his hand on my cheek.

Peter looked at my eyes and then my lips then back to my eyes. He then slowly kissed me and I kissed him back. The pace speeded up and the kisses became heated.

Peter moved his kisses down to my neck and I let out a soft moan. He then gently pushed me down on the bed and started to remove my shirt when suddenly the door burst open, and in came dozens of men dressed in military gear. I jumped up pushing Peter off of me, and at that moment in came James.

He walked over to us and said, "You'll be coming with me."

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