Chapter Three

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I pulled out of Peter's arms and looked at him. "How are you going to help me when you didn't even help me now?"

" see..."

"Whatever," I exclaimed, "Oh and that reminds of a question that has been nagging me since we met."

"What is it?" Peter said obviously happy that I changed the subject.

"Why did you use a bow and arrow instead of the gun when you were confronting my dad?"

"Oh that's easy, I used the bow and arrow because that's the fastest way to kill a lagooner."

"Then how come I was able to kill him with the sword, and when you used the bow and arrow it didn't kill him?

"Hmm, that's a good question, but I don't think I have an answer for that. It should have killed him as soon as the arrow hit him."

"Oh okay, well why were you so calm?"

"I've been training to kill people like your dad since I was five, but I made my first kill when I was eighteen so as to be able to complete training."

"Oh okay," I giggled. We sat there in silence for a while and a new thought started bubbling in my head. "Peter?"

"What is it, Katie?"

"Am I half lagooner?"

Without looking me in the eyes Peter answered me, "Yes."

"Is that why I was able to kill my father and the ladybug monster?"

"Yes and no. You are half lagooner and half guardian. Like a lagooner, you will be a bit aggressive, have that never gonna give up attitude, and be a bit possessive of what is yours. The guardian half will make you an expert fighter when the time comes as it just did right now.

"Wow, but why would my mother be with a lagooner?"

"We have a suspicion that your father forced her to be with him and that she probably told him she was leaving and that's why he killed her."

"Why did you say we?"

"Well I'm not the only guardian in the world, there are lots of guardians all over the universe but this planet is our home planet."

"Wait, if I'm a half guardian, then why do I need you? No offense."

"Well, I'm your mentor. Pretty much I will help you train."

"Oh okay, well how does this guardian thing work? How am I a guardian and a lagooner?

"It might be better to talk about that another time because it is quite a complicated situation."

"Well this has been a very long, action pact day and I don't think I can deal with all this."

"Well, this would've happened to you sooner or later. Even if you hadn't come here."

"I would rather have later." I joked to him.

"Well come on let's get back to my house so we can get cleaned up."


It seemed like a long walk back but it was more like ten minutes.

"Wow, have we've really been gone the whole day?" I asked Peter as we entered the front door.

"Yeah I know it doesn't seem like it huh?"

"No, it doesn't." "Um, Peter?"


"I want to sleep in the recliner this time and I won't have you arguing with me about it."

Peter laughed and held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay you can sleep in the guest room if that makes you feel better."

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