Chapter Five

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The next morning I awoke in my room with the memory's of yesterday still fresh in my mind:
After I had kissed Peter I left his room to go and explore the house more. I didn't find much difference in a regular house. There were other rooms for more guests, and I found a room filled with books. I took one out and began reading it. Before I knew it Peter told me it was time for dinner. We went to go eat and had a dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. We ate in a relaxed silence, and once we finished I helped Peter with the dishes and then went to go take a shower before bed. Peter came into my room to tell me goodnight, and he kissed me before he left.

I got up, got dressed, and then went to see if Peter was awake but he wasn't in his room. I looked around the house but he wasn't there either, but in the kitchen, I found a note pinned to the freezer that said:

I've gone out on a quick errand and I'll be back by dinner time. There is a card in a little black bag by the sink. It should last you till I get back. Love you.

I looked over by the sink and sure enough, there was the black bag. I opened it and looked in, and there was the card. I put the bag and the note in my pocket and went to go explore the town and spend some of the money on the card.

I walked around the town until I found a shopping area.

The shopping area had lots of different stores and I went to the first one there. It was a clothes store.

I walked in and a store clerk greeted me.

"Hello and welcome ma'am. Would you like to help with your shopping?"

"Oh, okay." I replayed a bit uncertain.

The store clerk leads me to the clothes area and there were lots of different styles there.

The clerk helped me pick out different outfits, and soon I went to go pay for them.

"Would you like me to send these to your house?"

"Oh I'm staying with a friend and I don't know his address."

"Oh, well is that his card?"

"Yes, it is."

"Well, the address is on the card so once you pay I can have them sent to your house."

"Oh okay then."

I handed the clerk the card and she scanned it before handing it back to me.

"Okay, the items will be sent to your house. Have a great rest of your day ma'am."

"Thank you same to you," I stated as I left.

It was already lunchtime so I went to a small café to have lunch.

"What can I get you today ma'am?" The waiter asked.

"Uh... I'll take a ham sandwich with lemonade please."

"Good choice ma'am. Okay go ahead and have a seat and I'll be right back with your food."

"Okay, thank you."

I went and sat down at an unoccupied seat and waited. It didn't take long for the waiter to bring my food, and I was soon eating the delicious sandwich.

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