Quite Strange

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"That doesn't sound like Alistair to me."

Bunny held a hanker chief in her hands as she cried into it. "Trust me. That's what happened."

The story seemed completely unbelievable to you. The Alistair you knew would never be so cruel. 

He was always a sweet gentleman, especially to girls.

But, seeing Bunny filled with fear, you knew that something must be going on. 

You had all approached Bunny, excited to know what had happened on their date. However, you were met with terrified Bunny, and a missing Alistair.

When you were told about how last nights endeavors went, a couple of girls went to try and confront Alistair and how he acted. But, they couldn't find him anywhere. He was completely missing.

All that was left was a heartbroken Bunny. 

It didn't make any sort of sense to you. But, how could you argue when she was the one who had witnessed everything? You couldn't.

"So, what do we do now?" Kitty twirled a bit of hair around her finger.

You all thought about it. What was there to do?

"Well, " You put a hand on Bunny's back, "Alistair can't just leave after his proclamation about the Storybook of Legends. It's still missing."

"Unless he was lying about that." Lizzie didn't look up from her gardening clippers and her two piles of roses. One with their heads, and the other without.

"No, I don't think Alistair was lying about that." Maddie poured more tea into the cups that seemed to need it, "After all, Bunny was actually with him when that discovery was made. Why would he bring her here too if he was lying."

"Maybe to get rid of me." Bunny laid her head down on the table and buried it into her arms. You continued to rub her back in comfort.

"Oh, don't say that." Immediately, all of you went to giving her comforting words and compliments. "Listen, maybe something was going on with Alistair. Maybe he had to leave because he figured something out."

It sounded ridiculous. And, honestly, you weren't sure if you were saying these things to comfort the others, or to comfort yourself by giving Alistair an excuse.

Maybe you were just fooling yourself.

But you couldn't help it. The Alistair you knew just sounded nothing like this stranger. Alistair was still good, wasn't he? He had to have some sort of reason.

"Come on, lunch is almost over."

You weren't sure who said it, but by the time you processed what was said, everyone else had stood up and gathered their things. You quickly followed suit.

Throughout the entire day, Alistair was nowhere to be seen. 

You felt yourself constantly looking over your shoulder for him. You would stop anytime you saw a head of blonde hair. Any voice you heard that sounded like him at all had your full attention.

What was wrong with you?

Thinking about him made your head dizzy. Were you getting sick? Is this how your father felt whenever he had inhaled too much incense? It wasn't a sickly feeling however. It, in fact, felt quite nice.

At the end of the day, your head felt heavy. Maybe you were actually getting sick. Even if it did feel nice.

Reaching your dorm, you were ready to throw your things down and relax in the bath, but you stopped as you passed by your bed.


Your name was sprawled across a white letter sitting on your bed.

Looking around the room, Courtly was nowhere to be seen. You were alone in here. Could she have left the letter?

Picking it up, you decided that you might as well read it now.

' I'm sorry, My Love, you must be so confused right now. 

I know I am currently nowhere to be seen. And you must be quite worried about me.

I promise, I haven't disappeared and forgotten you too. I plan on returning. And I'm going to being you too.

You won't have to wait long. I'll have answers soon. 

Don't miss me too much.

- Alistair <3'

You felt your hands grip the paper as you read his name. 

Your grip started to make the paper rip, but you couldn't loosen it. You were so confused.

If this was really from Alistair, then why would he call you that?

What did he mean when he said he would have answers?

Your head felt a bit heavy again. So you went to the bathroom and started to prepare your bath. When you returned to gather your things, you heard a tap on the window. 

However, when you looked, the only thing you saw was a small vase with a flower in it. Looking closer, you saw that it was your favorite flower.

Quickly, but cautiously, you opened the window and hesitantly grabbed the vase. Attached to it was a piece of paper with 'A' written on it. 

You felt your hands start shaking again. 

You decided to call out.


No answer. So you called out into the darkness once more. You were met with silence. You decided to try one more time, but were interrupted.

"Who're you talking to?"

You spun around and was met with your dorm mate staring at you. You ripped the paper off behind your back and held the vase in front of you.

"No one. Just the flowers."

Courtly glanced at the vase and back to you. "The flowers?"

"Uh-huh. My dad told me it helped them grow, you know?" You gave her your best smile. 

She stared at you for a couple more seconds. "Right."

Everything was silent until you decided to move again. "Well," you set the vase down onto your vanity, "I'm gonna go take a bath. Feel free to talk with them while I'm gone."

You quickly grabbed the needed items, along with the letter on your bed, and retreated to the bathroom.

You set everything down and let out a sigh.

Holding out the letter and the piece of paper, you confirmed it. The 'A's had the exact same writing style.

A Wonderful Love [Yandere Alistair Wonderland x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now