Chapter 3

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AN: sorry for not having updated any of my fics in so's a bitch. But thank you to all those who still read!


Hunger. Pain. Thirst. Pain. Hunger hunger pain...

He was so hungry. How long had it been since he had last eaten? Too long. His stomach was a whole nother battlefield.

Move, run, stab. Run run run, stab, tear flesh. Hunger hunger hunger

Nico knew he needed to eat soon. He knew he wouldn't make it without. But the last thing he had eaten was the last monster he had killed, and it had been a while since they had all died off. There had used to be no other food in Tartarus besides them. there was nothing.

Some blood got in his mouth during the next kill. He wondered how much he would need to drink to be full again.

It was hours later when he made a new corpse. He stared at it a little too long, knew it would end his hunger once and for all.

But he kept walking. The day he turned to cannibalism, the day he would cease to be human.


The sight of Camp Half-Blood as what it used to be turned his soul a little colder.

"Is that a climbing wall?" Bianca asked.

Percy nodded. "The lava is a little extra challenge. Come on, I'll introduce you to Chiron. Zoe, have you met-"

"I know Chiron," Zoe cut in. "Tell him we will be in Cabin Eight. Hunters, follow me."

Nico gave his sister's shoulder a soft squeeze. "Build yourself a family," he whispered. "You deserve it."

Bianca gave him a quick hug. "Will I see you again?"

It was a little harder to swallow. "Yeah, so run along. You don't want to get left behind."

Bianca broke their hug before running after the hunters, leaving him alone with Percy and Thalia.

"To Chiron?" Nico asked. If anyone could point him in the correct direction of where the fuck to go from here, it would be him.

Percy nodded. "He's our activities director. He's...well, you'll see. Follow me."

Nico followed them through camp, passing few half-bloods on their way to the Big House. Nico could recognize a few of them, remember their deaths or news of them. Charles Beckendorf had the aura of death already around him.

They finally found their way to the Big House. Chiron and Mr. D were playing cards in the parlor, the fire crackling with warmth and peace that Nico hadn't felt in forever. Hestia.

"Percy! Thalia!" Chiron's smile dropped when his eyes landed on Nico. "Ah, and this must be-"

"Nico di Angelo," Percy finished. "He and his sister are half-bloods."

Nico glanced at Mr. D, who's gaze hadn't left him since he had stepped foot into the room.

"You succeeded, then," Chiron said.


"What's wrong?" Chiron asked. "And where is Annabeth?"

"Oh dear," Mr. D said. "Not another one lost."

"What do you mean?" Thalia asked. "Who else is lost?"

Grover broke up the conversation before it could begin, trotting into the room with a red face and black eye. "The Hunters are all moved in!"

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