SY's Point Of View

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Shen Yuan notices a lot of things. 

Yes, he does. 

Despite the popular belief that he was flighty by nature, and if you weren't familiar with his little quirks and nuances, you might mistake his thoughtful expression for one of complete and utter obliviousness. But he was smarter than he let on, he knows that there were weird things going on.

Of course he would know more than anyone in here! He had fucking transmigratted in a shitty A/B/O fanfiction of the worst trash fire novel of PIDW. The only saving grace was that he was one of the many nameless or probably non-existent character, no system that would dictate his every action, and most of all he was a beta! He's already in his fifties here and he never went through any presentation of either alpha or omega. Which was good, he didn't have to worry about rut or heat and more that weird shit about this troupe. Small mercies! 

Plus, this was probably one of those fluff fanfic with Luo Binghe x happiness. He'd been observing the protagonist since the boy came here. While he still never gets along with Ming Fang like the original story, he was being treated like your everyday disciple; Not sleeping in the woodshed, have a proper cultivation manual, no heavy chores other than being permanently assigned in the kitchen, he was still bullied by other guys due to his popularity with the girls and omegas in the peak but nothing really severe like the original. It was more of a petty argument and childish fights here and there. And the weirdest thing was... Shen Qingqiu, the supposedly scum villain didn't abuse him. Which is... okay, now he didn't have to fear that Cang Qiong would be razed into the ground anytime in the near future. 

He can live peacefully and enjoy the Xianxia setting that he had always dreamed to live on! Pretty much a good deal. 

Or so it's what he thought the first few ten years or so. 

It might have taken him a while to notice because... Hello, a nerd fan boy here in like a fantasy Xianxia world, despite all the poisonous things he's said  about Airplane's novel, he did put a good work in world building. Of course that meant that Shen Yuan had other things that he put his full attention into.!

First to note, even though he was a disciple of Qian Cao Peak, five times a day in a week was spent at Qing Jing Peak, it started after he had learned and mastered everything about medicine and healing under Mu Qingfang's guidance. As per arrangement that was made back when he was still a new disciple, there would be a standby healer in each peak to help reduce Mu Qingfang's work, especially in Bai Zan Peak where like ten of his martial sibling were stationed at due to them having the highest count of injuries. 

Nothing out of ordinary there because Shen Yuan had swear to god that he's seen how even the biggest hall of Qian Cao Peak can be filled with injured patients. It was like one of those many documentaries of an epidemic out-break or results of natural calamities he'd watched back when he was bored. Injured people flood that place and everyone is just running around like it's pandemonium. 

The weird thing about it was, while his martial siblings had rotations in their assigned peaks, Shen Yuan was the only permanent healer in Qing Jing Peak. He's never been assigned to another since this started. At this point, he might as well become a disciple of the scholarly peak, though it looks like Shen Qingqiu doesn't want anything to do with him. 

[Completed] Dearly Beloved (SVSSS) Shen Qingqiu x Shen YuanWhere stories live. Discover now