you can't

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It was during breakfast when Chris walked in

"Katie can I speak to you " he said gesturing to the living room

"Sure.... what is it about " I say once we are out of sight

"I want to go to take you to this fest ... I have two tickets and I want to go with you "

I wanted to ask why he couldn't take Tyler maya or  the boys but just sticked to nodding

I went to my room and put on something decent but casual clothes

I never thought I'd wear this babies ever again

I walk downstairs and we both head out

The car was playing this cool jam and Chris was acting like he knew the lyrics

So he would mess up and try to fix

"Let's face it you can't sing "  I said smirking

"Oh yes I can "

he waited for the chorus and started

" I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world....... life is dan-plastic it's f-fantastic .... In your face i did it"

At these point I was out of breath ... I composed myself and looked at him only to start laughing again

We finally reached the place

It was packed to capacity

"Where too first" I said looking around

"Scream fest ... it's deadly and I bet you 10 to whoever will scream first " he said just like a five year old exciting for something

"Challenge excepted " I say as we shake arms

We get put in the front making it more scary

"Ready .... set .... Go-ahhhh " he said

The ride hadn't even started and he was already screaming

I laughed at his childish behaviour....

I was court of guard too busy laughing to notice the guy press start

I let out a squeal before we screamed at the top of the lungs my hair stood up literally. ....

"You screamed first you owe me my money " i said gesturing to my opened hand

"Actually I don't .... I said 10 but I didn't actually say 10 what ...  so I'm  giving you 10 hugs " he said approaching me

"Don't touch me old man " I said then we went to the other games

After the games we went on a subway

Chris would yell at the owners when he lost. ... but when he won he went mad

He yelled  at a child for winning me a stuffed cow

Instead of leaving with the other people we got kicked out and banned for life

"So I tell this guy ....  I'm the boss so you're fired" he said munching on his hamburger

"Just because he insulted your hair " I said while chocking on my soda

He nods
I was almost at the point of crying

" um Katie before we  leave can I request you to call me dad "

I tense up

"You can't .... i mean i don't know" I said

"It's okay forget I said that. .. We should get going "

"I'll come later I have to see my friend"

He nods then leaves

I lied I didn't have a  friend I want  to see instead I enter a place I used to go but stopped a year ago

"Can I see dexter Parker " I said to officer there

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