Chapter 9

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Koharu wasn't one to speak up in the middle of silence.

However suffocating or awkward the situation may grow, her underlying fears would keep her lips sealed, prolonging the silence.

She had risen at early dawn, awoken by a hesitant Aoi who had brought her a fresh set of clothes and instructions from Shinobu. It was a special case today, so she was told to get ready as quickly as possible.

Sliding her arms through the sleeves of the purple kimono, she would have never thought to be sitting before the almighty Pillars, who so cautiously observed her with keen gazes. However, of them held a singular look of disinterest, zoning out to gaze at nothingness rather than the miracle child before him.

It was a gaze most haunting.

Suddenly, chimes rang and crows cawed, and shoji doors before the demon slayers slid open to reveal two identical children exiting with smiles. Both had pale skin, large eyes, and snow-white hair that came up to their shoulders.

"Oyakata-sama is now entering."

At the sound of their voices, the Pillars collectively began to bow their heads, Koharu awkwardly following suit while peeking above to see who this 'Oyakata-sama' was.

The man before her wore a long, white haori over a black kimono, a pretty color of pink and purple reaching up to the middle of the haori in a flame-like pattern. His raven hair reached to his shoulders, and the top-half of his face was covered in a burn-like scar, covering his lavender eyes.

Koharu quietly observed the approaching male, now unconcerned about whether her head was fully bowed to the floor. Oyakata looked to the skies, seemingly oblivious about the many individuals before him, before looking back down with a soft smile. Koharu quickly averted her eyes, staring down onto the rocks that jabbed at her knees.

"The weather is quite nice today." The man spoke, tone soft and comforting. "Is the sky blue as always?"

The Pillars made no attempt to speak, and Koharu attempted another peak at the male. Is it an illness? she wondered, carefully observing the discolored skin on the man's face. If so, then perhaps...

"It is a relief to see you healthy, Oyakata-sama."

The familiar voice of the Wind Pillar caused her to turn her attention to the side, surprised by how calm he sounded. Usually, he'd be screaming up a storm.

"May passing days bring you more fortune." He finished, position unmoving from the ground.

"Thank you, Sanemi." Oyakata responded, smile unmoving from his lips.

He then turned to face all of those before him. "The reason for our meeting today is to discuss the matters of recent reported events of Shiminawa Village, along with our guest, Iwasaki Koharu."

The said girl shrunk at the mention of her name and village, swallowing in fear.

"It is said that Muzan's presence was detected at the time of the calamity." The male then paused, turning down to look upon the young girl. "You may raise your head, Iwasaki Koharu."

She slowly rose her head, nervously looking above towards Oyakata.

"If it is to your comfort, could I request you to recall the events that occurred at the village?"

It was a simple request. She had simply been asked to recall the unforgivable event of Shiminawa Village, to reminisce upon the horrors she had witnessed that night.


And yet, she simply could not remember.

Koharu was one to never forget.


Word count: 575

Chapter status: renewed [7/29/2022]

Thank you for reading ^^

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