Chapter 11: Hotland and Alphys... and Mettaton

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Michael POV

After the fight with Undyne, it suddenly got hot all of a sudden.

"H-Hey, how did it get so hot?" I asked.

"That's because we're in hotland!" Frisk said. "But don't worry because there's a Lab over there!"

Frisk pointed over to a huge white building with the word LAB on it.

We went over there before we could get cooked. When we got there the doors opened automatically.

Upon entering the lights happened to be off. And there was a big monitor with two screens. One was of Frisk and one was of you.

"Wait... are they... s-spying on us?" You said nervously.

The lights suddenly turned back on as a short monster lizard was in front of you both. She had a surprised expression on her face as she started running around in circles.

"Oh. My God." She said. "I didn't expect you two to show up so soon. I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, It's all messy, and.."

She then stopped and started to calm down.

"Ummm... H-H-Hiya. I'm Doctor Alphys, Asgore's Royal Scientist. B-B-But, ahhhhhh, I'm not one of the 'bad guys'! Actually, since you two stepped out of the Ruins, I've um... been 'observing' your journey through my console." She said throwing her hands up with a red face.

"Your Fights... Your Friendships... Everything! I was originally going to stop you two, but... watching two people on a screen really makes you root for them. S-So, ahhh, now I want to help you both! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through Hotland! I know a way right to Asgore's Castle, no problem! ..."

Silence filled the room as she stopped talking. But then she started talking again.

"Well, actually, umm, there's just a tiny issue. A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built him to be an entertainment robot." Alphys said starting to get nervous. "Uh, you know, like a robotic TV Star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make him more useful. You know, just some small practical adjustments."

You started to get flashbacks of the Nightmares. They're all robots, and they have a thirst for Human blood. You're hoping that this robot isn't the same.

"Like, umm..." Alphys hesitated. "Anti... Anti-Human combat features?"

When she said this your face became filled with fear. Alphys saw and was quick to defend.

"Of c-course, when I saw you coming, I immediately decided... I have to remove those features! Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so. And, umm... Now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for Human blood? Ehehehehe..."

Her saying that made you terrified.

"Heh. But, umm, hopefully we won't run into him!"


"..?" Alphys said nothing.


"Did you hear something?"






"Oh no." Alphys said.

Then... a robot bursts through the wall as the lights dim.

"WELCOME BEAUTIES..." A robotic voice said. "...TO TODAY'S QUIZ SHOW!"

FNAF and Undertale Crossover: Nightmares WithinWhere stories live. Discover now