Family Torn Apart and the Huge Sacrifice

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One late night, Damon and Diana were awoken by the sounds of their parents, who are arguing in the kitchen. The two siblings, went out of their rooms and check to see what's going on.

Turns out, Richard and Mary are fighting over Mary's career, that she dreams of pursuing, whilst Richard disagree and refuses to accept his wife's career. "Can't you just be happy for me?", Mary asked. "I wish I can, but I can't!", Richard yelled.

"You know what Richard? If you can't accept for who I am and what I want, then it's over between us.", Mary sighed, as she cries. Damon started crying, seeing that both of his parents are now breaking up. Diana was mortified.

"You're not insisting for us to break up?", Richard asked. "I'm sorry, Richard. You left me no choice.", Mary sighed. "Please, don't go Mary, and don't take the kids away from me.", Richard begged. "Don't worry, because I'm not taking them with me, I'm leaving them with you.", Mary sighed.

Richard was shocked, so was Diana and Damon kept on crying. "No, Mary. Please don't do this. Don't do this to our children.", Richard cried. "I gotta pack.", Mary sighed, as she walks upstairs to the bedroom, to pack her bags as Richard follows her.

Then, she came downstairs with her bags as Richard follows her, begging her to stay. "Mary, please. Stay with me and our children. They need their mother.", Richard cried. Damon was still crying, while Diana tries to comfort him.

"Please take care of them for me. Goodbye, Richard.", Mary sighed, as she walked out of the house, and left by taxi. Richard was devastated and so was Damon, who cried in bed and the entire night. Diana came into bed with him, trying to comfort her brother.

A week after Mary's abandonment, Richard tried so hard to raise Damon and Diana as a single father, but since his wife's abandonment, he became depressed and mainly focuses on his work, and ignoring his children.

But Mary's abandonment has taken a devastated toll on Damon, and left him very depressed. One night, while Diana was in bed, she heard Damon crying once more, and she goes in his bed, to comfort him. "Don't cry, Damon. We'll be ok.", Diana sighed, trying to comfort him.

"I want Mom back! I want her back!", Damon cried, as he went into a massive breakdown. Diana cried too, seeing how much pain her brother is suffering. "Please help me, Diana!", Damon cried, as he pulls her in his arms. Diana held him back as they both cried in each other's arms.

After able to get Damon to sleep again, Diana thought of what had just happened, and she knows what she has to do, and has to make the most biggest and toughest decision of her life, and she knows that if she makes that decision, she can never go back to how she was before.

Diana went up to her dad and told him about her decision. "I want to quit school.", Diana replied. "You what?!", Richard asked. "Things have been tough since Mom left us and we need someone to get this family back on the right track, and that person should be me!", Diana yelled.

"But, Diana. You're so young and you're only 6 years old! How can you look after the family? How are you going to take care of the house and cook 3 meals a day for your brother, yourself and I?", Richard asked. "I have everything to know how to do housework.", Diana replied.

"Diana, this is a huge sacrifice you're making. You're just a child, sweetheart. You have a whole life ahead of you and you still in Grade 1!", Richard cried. "I know, but I can have a private tutor and be homeschooled.", Diana replied.

"You have a future ahead of you, and you're leaving it all for nothing!", Richard replied. "No, no! I'm not leaving it for nothing, Dad. I'm leaving it for Damon, he deserves to be happy and I will be the one who gives him that, and let him have a life.", Diana replied.

Damon overheard Diana's conversation with Richard, and he was surprised at her decision. "Are you sure is this what you want?", Richard asked. "I'll do whatever it takes to care for my brother.", Diana sighed. "Ok, then I accept your decision and I'll let your teachers know that you won't be coming back to school tomorrow.", Richard sighed.

"Thank you, Dad.", Diana sighed, as she hugs him. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart.", Richard sighed. Damon was surprised that his own little sister had made a huge sacrifice for him. Damon confronts her. "Diana, why?", he asked.

"Because I love you, and I can't watch you suffer from the pain anymore. I want you to be happy like you were once and I'll make sure you will. After I was born, you promised me that you will sacrifice for me, and you have and now it's my turn to sacrifice myself for you.", Diana sighed.

Damon cries as he hugs her. "I love you so much, Diana.", Damon cried. "I know, and I love you too. I promise that I will make you happy every day and I will make sure you have the happiest life and future.", Diana sighed. The two siblings looked at each other, as they rest their foreheads together with a smile.


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