A Mother's Return

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A week later, Diana returns to school, but this time, Damon is no longer taking her to school anymore, and now Leo and Lily are taking Diana to school and back home. As the trio enters the school halls, Leo and Diana entered together, holding hands for the first time.

Everyone in the school halls, noticed and talking about them, as they walked passed them in the hallway. "Leo, people are looking at us.", Diana replied. "Don't worry. It's a good thing. You're my girl now, and no guy will take you away from me.", Leo sighed.

Leo kisses Diana's cheek as they and Lily went to their lockers to get their stuff, as school starts. After school, Leo and Lily drives Diana home. "Thanks guys. I'll see you tomorrow.", Diana replied, as she unbuckles her seatbelt and got out of the car. Leo and Lily drives off, as Diana walks to the front door of her house and enters.

"I'm home!", Diana called, as she takes off her shoes. Diana looks up and she was surprised of who she saw in front of her. Upon her sight, she was mortified of who is was - her mother! Damon and their father, Richard were standing next to her in front of Diana.

"Hello, Diana.", Mary sighed. Diana's heart started beating fast, as she suddenly collapsed and fainted on the floor. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!", Damon cried, as his sister fainted. Mary was shocked. "Oh my god!", she cried. Damon runs to Diana's side. "Diana!", he cried, as Diana blacks out.

Moments later, Diana was lying in her bed, as Damon place a small vial of smelling salt under her nose, which woke her up. "Ergh!", Diana retches. She wakes up, looking around and saw Damon next to her. "Damon!", she cried, as she hugs him. Damon hugged her back, trying to comfort her.

"Oh Damo. I just had a bad nightmare, Mom was back!", she cried. Then Mary and Richard arrives into her bedroom. Diana gasped in fear, burying her face in Damon's chest. "Shh, calm down, Di. It's not what it looks like.", Damon sighed. "Hello, Diana. It's been so long, and look how much you've grown. My beautiful girl.", Mary sighed.

"What are you doing here?!", Diana asked. "Boys, mind if I speak to Diana alone?", Mary asked. "Yes, of course.", Damon replied, as he and Richard of the room, and Damon shuts the door. "Mom, what are you doing here?", Diana asked. "I came to see how you are doing. Your father told me everything that you have done for him and your brother.", Mary sighed.

"Everything?", Diana asked. "Everything.", Mary replied. Then, there was an awkward silent, until Mary starts talking again. "Diana, I know you must have a lot of questions to ask me.", Mary sighed.

Diana then snaps, unable to control her emotions. "Yes, I do! I kept on wondering, why a mother would leave her kids and want nothing to do with them!", Diana yelled. Mary was shocked at her daughter's anger.

"For 11 years, I've sacrificed everything for Damon, because he had suffered so much after you left us! I was 6 years old! We had no one to take care of us! I left everything behind for my brother! I had to grow up fast to look after Dad and Damon! I never had a childhood or a life for 11 years, because of you! You left Damon, you left Dad, and you left me!", Diana cried, as tears came down her eyes.

Mary was sad too. "Diana, I am so, so, so sorry that I left you all and I'm terribly sorry for not being there for you and your brother.", Mary cried.

"Damon needed you the most, he was depressed and so sad after you left us. He was in pain, Mom. So much pain, that he felt like it was his fault! You were never there for him, I was! I made him happy, I raised him like he was my son and I was there for him in every step of the way throughout his life!", Diana cried.

Mary was still in tears. "How could you do this to him?!", Diana cried. "I'm sorry.", Mary cried. "You are the only person that we needed and you were never there! You never called us, you never write to us, not one call or one letter!", Diana cried. Mary cried even more, so did Diana.

"What can I do to make it up for the both of you?", Mary asked. "I want you to get out, get out of this house, stay out of Dad and Damon's life, including mine. Now get out.", Diana replied. Mary didn't budge. "Diana...", she sighed. Diana then lost her temper.

"GET OUT NOW!", she yelled from the top of her lungs. Outside, Damon sighs after he heard Diana. Mary was horrified, as she leaves the room and out of the house. Damon and Richard watch her leave. Damon went upstairs to Diana's room, where she was on her knees, crying and breaking down.

Damon kneels behind her and wrap his arms around her as she lay on her side, and held onto Damon's arms tight, trying to comfort his sister, as she cried harder. That night, Damon decided to stay with Diana by sleeping in her room, as he knows that doesn't want to leave her at night.

The next day, Diana refuses to go to school, as she was still upset. In the morning, as Damon goes to make breakfast for her, the doorbell rang. Damon opens it and it was Leo. "Leo!", Damon cried. "Damon! Is Diana home?", Leo asked. "Diana's in bed, I don't think she'll be going to school today.", Damon replied.

"Oh, is everything ok?", Leo asked. Damon looks at him seriously. "Damon, is Diana ok?", Leo asked. "Our mother unexpected returned into our lives last night.", Damon replied. Leo was shocked. "You're kidding me?", Leo asked. "Our mom and Diana got into a heated argument and Diana broke down.", Damon sighed.

Without hesitation, Leo barges into the house and ran upstairs, as Damon tries to stop him. "Leo!", Damon cried, as he tries to go after him. Leo barges into Diana's room. "Leo?!", she asked. "Diana!", Leo cried, sitting by her bed and hugs her. "Are you ok? Damon told me what happened.", Leo cried, holding her face.

"I'm fine.", Diana sighed. "Are you sure? I can stay with you.", Leo sighed. "No, it's fine. You go with school.", Diana replied. "No it's fine, Lily went to school earlier for cheerleading practice, I'll let her know that I won't coming.", Leo replied. "No, it's ok Leo. I have Damon.", Diana replied. "Sorry, Di. I have a shift at the hospital today.", Damon replied.

"Oh.", Diana sighed. "But, Leo can keep you company.", Damon replied. "I'll just text Lily and I'm all yours for the day.", Leo replied. Leo texts Lily, as Damon left for the hospital.

Leo stayed with Diana and they spend a lot of time together at the house, as Leo tries to cheer Diana up. Leo successfully cheered Diana up, and made her not think about her mother.

That night, Leo was still at Diana's house, as they help cooking dinner together. "Leo?", Diana asked. "Yeah?", he asked. "Thanks, for staying with me today.", Diana sighed. Leo smiled as he held onto her hands.

"Like I said, I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're my girl, and I wouldn't change for a thing.", Leo sighed. Diana smiled at him as they kiss until Richard came home, which interrupted the moment. "Dad!", Diana cried. Richard noticed Leo. "Who's your friend?", he asked.

"Dad, this is Leo, he goes to the same school as me and my boyfriend.", Diana replied. "So you're Diana's boyfriend? My son and daughter told me a lot about you.", Richard smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Mr Maxwell.", Leo replied, reaching out his hand.

"Please, call me Richard.", Richard replied, shaking Leo's hand. "So, Dad. I wasn't expecting you to be home until late.", Diana replied. "Oh, I decided to go home, as I miss spending time with my children, and so, here I am.", Richard sighed.

Diana walk to her father and hugs him, as Leo watches with a smile. "Thank you, Dad.", Diana smiled. "No worries, darling.", Richard sighed, as he hugs her back. After a warming embrace, Richard became happy and excited.

"So, what's for dinner, darling?", Richard asked. Later, Damon returns home in time for dinner, Courtney came over, and Leo stayed to join for dinner. After an amazing dinner, Courtney left and Leo was about to head home, as Diana escorts him out of the house.

"I had fun today.", Diana sighed. "Yeah?", Leo asked. "Yeah.", Diana sighed. "Me too.", Leo sighed. They share a kiss goodbye before saying goodbye. "Goodnight.", Diana smiled. "Goodnight", Leo whispered, as he walks to his car and drove off, as Diana watched him go.


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