Return To School

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A week later, Damon had thought about what Diana had done for him for the past 11 years of their lives, after their mother's abandonment and he knew that since Diana has been by his side, and had done every thing for him, he decided to it's time for him to give something back to her.

That night, as Diana was about to get ready for bed, Damon comes home, after an afternoon shift at the hospital, and goes to see Diana in her room. "Diana!", Damon cried. "I'm here!", Diana called out, who was in the bathroom.

Diana comes out and see him, in her room. "Oh, you're home.", Diana replied. "Yeah. Hey, there's something I need to tell you.", Damon replied. "Yes, what is it?", Diana asked. "Just sit down and I'll tell you all about it.", Damon sighed.

"Sure.", she replied softly, as she sat on her bed, and Damon sat in front of her. "Diana, you have done so much for me and for this family since Mom left and you have done a wonderful job at taking care of me. I couldn't be any proud of you.", Damon sighed. Diana smiled at him.

"But now, I want to give you something back, after you spend 11 years, making sacrifices for me.", Damon sighed. Diana looked at him, he was about to reveal the truth. "Diana, I want you to return to school. I have enrolled you to Townsend Harris High and I want you to get your life back and socialise with other people.", Damon replied.

"But Damo, I'm 17 and in 12th Grade, if I go back to school, I'll be just there for a year.", Diana replied. "I know, you're a senior and I want you to spend your final year at an actual school.", Damon sighed. Diana was concerned about her brother's idea. "Diana, don't spend the rest of your life here, looking after me.", Damon replied.

Diana sighed and hugs him. "Thank you.", she cried. Damon smiles and hugs her back. The next day, Diana was getting ready to return to school. Damon drives her to school and helps her settle in.

Diana goes into the school, as she meets up with the school principal, Mr Patrick Blake. "Hello, welcome to Townsend Harris High. You must be Diana.", Mr Blake replied. "Yes, sir. I am.", Diana smiled. "Hello, Mr Blake. I'm Damon, Diana's brother. We've spoken on the phone.", Damon replied.

"Ah, yes. You are the one who enrolled your sister here.", Mr Blake replied. Mr Blake prints out Diana's timetable and calls for a student to come into his office. "Ok, I gotta go to work now. I'll pick you up after school. Have a nice day, ok?", Damon replied. "Ok.", Diana smiled.

Damon kisses her on the cheek before leaving. Then a female student came into the office. "Ah, Liliana. Come in.", Mr Blake replied. "You want to see me, sir?", she asked. "Yes, Liliana, this is Diana, she's new here. Diana, this is Liliana Donovan, she's in the same grade as you and she'll show you around the school.", Mr Blake.

"Hello, Diana. Nice to meet you.", Diana smiled, as she and Liliana shake hands. "Hi, I'm Liliana, but you can call me Lily.", Lily smiled. "Now, Liliana. Look out for Diana, make sure she gets to her class on time.", Mr Blake replied. "Yes, sir.", Lily smiled.

Then the school bell rings. "Alright, you two off to class.", Mr Blake replied. Lily and Diana leaves the office and heads off to class. "What do you have first?", Lily asked. Diana looks at her timetable and it says maths. "I have maths.", Diana replied. "Oh, me too.", Lily smiled.

They compared their timetables and to their horror, they have the exact same timetable, meaning that they're in all of the same classes together. "I think we'll be best friends.", Lily smiled. Diana smiled back, as she has finally made a friend - a best friend.

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