Chapter 1

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A.N. - Warning I may use some stronger language, but if younger audiences read this i'll be staring out the words so... I guess you'll know it when you see it.


Plat Plat Plat.

Thick drops of rain steadily hit the tarp. I stared out from under the thick canvas that separated my head from the sudden storm. I had finally built up enough courage to join a hiking group headed for the mountains, and all I got was rain. I was 21 with a burning desire to try an adventure. Something to get me out of the house and away for a while. Now all I had was rain...well, to be fair the hike had been very sunny and the whole group of hikers, eight including myself, had actually been having a pleasant time. The Rocky Mountains were spectacular and there was almost too much to see. Lakes, meadows, wildlife. That was until the sudden storm hit. Now you were all stuck on the side of the mountain.

"Ugh. Looks like we'll not make the summit till tomorrow." The trail guide Luis moaned as he peered out from under his nearby hiding spot. The falling rain leaving his thick black hair plastered to his head.

Everyone, tired from the already seven hour hike, groaned in unison. I looked over to my trail buddy Kya, the other guide, who had already taken out a protein bar and was lazily munching while watching the rain. Here hazel eyes catching my gaze.

"Hey Kya do you think we could go another few kilometers?" I looked up towards the trail that sunk into the thick pine forest.

She shifted her weight a bit so she was now facing me more directly. "I'd say we stand a good chance Cass." Munch crunch munch " We cunn aswk Loos. May-" gulp "-maybe, we can get this soaking crew up a few clicks further to the clearing we normally use for base camp." Shifting her narrow eyes she surveyed the remaining hikers. "Yeah, setting up a camp would do much more good than sitting here and soaking." She shook her head and her long brown plait followed suit.

"Ok, I'll talk to Luis." With a little more purpose I crawled out from under the tarp and scurried to where Luis crouched.

"Luis, Kya thinks we can make it to the upper camp site. We're all soaking here and there is no telling when this burst will stop." I tried to make my suggestion sound more convincing but it was hard to keep my teeth from chattering.

Nodding he pulled out a small canteen and took a swig. "That's too true. S***. I hate when Kya's right." Glancing at his thin wristwatch he frowned. "If we hike a little father we can make another few clicks and then we can set up a dry camp. Maybe even get some hot food going." sigh " D***, I'll rally the group."

I couldn't help but feel a small smile creep onto my lips. I'd rather be moving than sitting in this cold rugged place.

After some pep talks from Kya and, well sort-of Luis too, the whole group was on their feet and moving further up and into the mountains. Miserable and damp. But moving. Slowly. Each step and each meter felt like an eternity. Although you were still in the treeline the last obstacle everyone had been dreading once the rain started had arrived. The waterfall crossing.

To get to the campsite everyone had to haul their packs and their tired feet across fifty feet of churning waters that dipped into a series of waterfalls with very sharp rocks at the bottom. The rain which had been irritating had now become unbearable. It fell sharp, like ice, on my neck. The river was churning wildly. Ancient stepping stones lay just beneath the water... at least that was what Kya insisted. I pulled my dirty blonde hair into a tight ponytail and shoved it under my old blue cap. Kya led the group single file into the river and using her long hiking pole she tapped out where the rocks and boulders were. One-by-one we filed into the frigid waters. I knew that I was going to regret the cold soggy socks I'd have afterwards but the thought of apple-cinnamon oatmeal kept me chugging forward.

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