Chapter 2

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A.N.- Ok so for the sake of the story Vesemir is alive ...I just love papa Vesemir's character X-D Sorry if you dont like it.


The mountains couldn't compare to this beast.  I turned so I was facing this bizarre monster.  It was a hulking brute with humanoid features but contorted.  Black beady eyes couldn't hide the malevolent intentions.  It's skin was cracked and looked to be pieced of stone. And the smell of rotting only added to the bubbling fear in my stomach.  Run.  I need to run. 

My heart began to pound wildly, and the beast got closer.  Keeping my phone up I felt for my backpack, desperate to get hell out of dodge.  Its flattened face sported a half open maw of yellowed teeth.  Arms like tree trunks and covered in stone-like skin scraped the earth as it slunk forward.   Slowly pulling the backpack strap onto my good shoulder and catching the second over my now very sore injured shoulder I carefully adjusted my weight.  It followed my movements like an adder. Grunting and snapping its jaw.

Click.  Well snap, last photo memory is gonna be ugly.

Bellowing, it pounded the ground with its hammy fists.

Nope nope nope! Forget positivity! Forget staying in one place for them to rescue you. I'm gone!  Bolting to my feet with energy unknown to me a moment before I ran.  No plan and no idea where I was.  I ran.  Tearing across the gravel and sand shoreline I darted into the woods.  The beast charging behind me.  I dove over ferns and around trunks of pines.  I could hear the pounding of the monster behind me.  For such a large thing it moved faster than I had planned. 

Skirting around boulders, and praying that I wouldn't die by tripping cuz' that wold be just great, I tried to zig-zag across a new incline.  Suddenly, a small clearing appeared in the trees ahead and the blue of a lake was visible.  Maybe this thing can't swim? I'll have to take my chances!

Darting like an arrow through the forest and towards the hope of the lake.  I burst from the tree line and an angry roar ripped from the beast still hot in pursuit.  Stumbling over my now shaking legs I caught sight of a well-worn trail.  People!  Thank heavens I'll be safe.  Please oh please let there be other hikers!  Promptly forgetting the lake the thought of other people drove me onward.  Running like the devil himself was after me. The  beast's breath on my heels had me peeling through the forest.  Blindly along the trail I ran.  Thorns scraped my heels and ripped at my arms.  My injured arm burned with pain but there was no telling the pain I'd be in if that thing caught up. Pine boughs smacked me in the head but on I ran.  Till I came to a large rise at the foot of one of the imposing mountains.  I hardly cared that it lead to an old stone castle. Please oh please let there be people. Dashing with hair now streaming out behind me I made it across an old wooden bridge and under the portcullis,

"HELP!!! Oh please someone! Someone Help!"

Into the courtyard I ran hoping someone was even there. But the old stone fort looked utterly abandoned. Not a soul replied. Another roar. The smell or rot closer. Swinging around I saw the beast was now trying to cross the wooden bridge. It's hulking form testing the old wood.

I took my small cast iron frying pan out of my bag tossing the pack to the ground nearby, and tried to stand as tall as I could. The monster gave a cruel grin and started charging for me. Raising an arm it tried to cuff my head. Alert from all the adrenaline I raised my skillet high to protect myself and tried to dodge.

It missed but barely. Roaring it charged again. This time I tried to sidestep and smack it with the pan. I needed to get time to get away. But the troll saw what I was doing and brought his arm out at the last moment. It caught my injured arm sending shock-waves of pain through to my toes. And with tears in my eyes I tried, in vain, to hit back. The beasts beady eyes shone with an evil light and with another thwack of its arm I was sent flying across the courtyard. Somersaulting in the air my back came into contact with the dirt. Gasping for the air that was knocked out I struggled to my feet.

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