Keith Breaks

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The next day Keith and Lance had no classes or anything scheduled for the afternoon so Keith had taken Lance to the pavilion on the school pond and surprised him with a picnic. And boy, Lance was surprised.

"Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" Keith asked as he picked one up and held it to Lance. Lance smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes, please," Lance said but instead of taking it from his boyfriends hand, he ate it from his boyfriends hand. "Mmm! This is the best thing I've ever had," Lance said which caused a smile of relief to form on Keith's face.

"So, you like it?" Keith asked as he motioned to the foods placed around on the table.

"I more than like it. I, uh... mmm-- double like it," Lance said as he reached past Keith and picked up another hot hors d'oeuvre.

"Is this beef ragout?" Lance asked to which Keith nodded.

"It is yeah."

"This is amazing," Lance said as he took another bite of the beef ragout.

"Did I surprise you?" Keith asked softly, his insecure side showing up.

"Oh, yeah, you surprised me," Lance said with a smile as he took yet another bite of the beef ragout. "This is every single dish my father had made for my mother."

"You're dad did help a little bit," Keith said as he remembered asking Shiro about all the foods he had made for Lance's mother, Allura.

"What did it take you? Three days?" Lance asked in amazement.

"You know, don't even ask me," Keith answered, really hoping that Lance really wouldn't ask him. He wouldn't know what to say if he did.

"Yeah. Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me," Lance said with a smile. His smile made Keith feel a little guilty about lying. "Especially with all the craziness you've been put through. I've missed you. We don't get much time to be just us anymore," Lance said as he brushed some of Keith's bangs out of his eyes. Keith smiled bitterly.

"I know, I missed you to," Keith said with a smile before reaching towards Lance's face and wiping some of the beef ragout sauce away.

"You can't take me anywhere, right?" Lance teased as he quoted what Keith said on the picnic Lance took him on. Keith rolled his eyes but couldn't help but laugh at Lance's tease.

"Do you have a-- Do you have a napkin or something?" Lance asked as he looked around, as much as he liked the beef ragout, he didn't want the sauce on his face.

"I do!" Keith said as he remembered he packed some napkins. "I stashed them somewhere."

"Oh, there is--" Lance said as he found the napkins in the basket and reached in the grab them. Keith turned and his face paled as he remembered what he put in the basket last minute.

"Oh no Lance, I can grab them." But it was too late, Lance had already pulled out Keith's spellbook.

"What's this?" Lance asked, though he knew what it was already.

"I actually threw that in there super last-minute in case it rained or--" Keith said but Lance had already opened it and noticed the marked pages.

""Speed reading" spell. "Hair Colour hair" spell. "Cooking" spell," as Lance read out the spells, Keith felt guiltier by the minute. "And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best."

"Take back this moment that has passed. Return it-- Reverse it--" Keith said as he realized he got the spell wrong.

"Are you trying to spell me right now!?" Lance exclaimed as he stood up from the table with a glare.

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