Chillin' Like A Villain

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As soon as they got on the Isle, Rolo parked the limo, under the pier in the old garage.

"Lance, help me with the tarp," Matt said as he grabbed the old tarp from on top of the wooden crates.

"Right," Lance said as he helped Matt unfold the tarp and helped cover the limo, less chance of something knowing where it was from the better.

"I got it," Rolo told Acxa with a smile as she kept glancing around, her eyes weary. "What's wrong?"

"It's really weird being back here," Acxa explained with a shudder.

"Don't worry," Rolo said with a smile. "We'll get in and get out."

"Right," Acxa said as Rolo helped Matt with the second tarp that was needed to cover the back end of the limo. Meanwhile, Lance walked over to the large pipe and looked it, darkness meeting his eyes.

"Hey, what's in here?" Lance asked, his voice echoing into the pipe. The trio were quick to pull him away from the pipe.

"You don't want to know," Rolo said with a pat on his shoulder.

"Hey guys." Matt said as he fixed his hat. "Keep it chill alright, the last thing we want is for our parents to find out we're here." The trio nodded and they headed off to their "secret" hideout, where they knew Keith would be.


As they walked through the streets, Acxa covered the rear, her eyes making sure they weren't followed or that eyes weren't on them at all. As they turned a corner, Acxa found two children running at her, one pulling her coin purse out of her back pocket.

"Hey!" Acxa yelled as her wrists were held by one of the kids. "Hey stop!" she yelled again, pulling her wrists free and holding onto the two boys, determined to get her coin purse back. However, she took one look at the kids and her heart melted seeing how sad they were. She sighed and let go of their wrists. "Just take it," she said with a soft smile.

"Thank you!" the boys yelled as they ran off, smiles on their faces.

Axca turned and gave Matt and Rolo a shrug of her shoulders. It was then that she noticed Lance wasn't with them. Matt and Rolo hadn't seemed to notice so she took the lead.

"Oh Lance," Acxa said as she walked down the alley, the trio searching for the prince who literally knew nothing about where he was going. Or worse. Who he would run into.


Lance had ended up at the exit of the vendors alley the group had been walking down. He was so caught up in taking everything in that he hadn't really noticed he had wandered off. He turned and noticed a boy in a coat and pirate hat leaning against a wooden pole. Lance gave him a smile and held out his hand for a handshake, like he had been taught to do when he was younger.

"Hi," Lance was suddenly backed up when the boy growled and moved forward, Lance flinching as he did so very quickly.

"Lance stop," Acxa said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, Matt and Rolo stepping in between the prince and the boy. Luckily, the boy took the hint and backed off. "Just stop," Acxa said as Lance went to pull away from her.

"Why?" Lance asked in a mix of confusion and frustration.

"This isn't a parade, it's the Isle," Acxa said with a sigh.

"Keep your hands in your pockets and lets just stay low key," Rolo said as he gestured to the princes' pockets.

"You either slouch or strut," Matt chimed in as his own figure was slouched a little bit as an example.

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