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"Let's bring it in boys," Rolo said as he entered the training room. The group huddled around him. "Alright, you all know I come from the Isle," Rolo said which drew nods from everyone. "Things are pretty whack, but there is one thing that the isle's got on Altea," Rolo said which drew curiosity from the other team members.

"What's that?" one of the boys asked.

"If you're strong, we'll want you by our side, girl or boy," Rolo said which made Lotor step in.

"Hold on Rolo, we don't break the rules here in Altea," Lotor said which made Rolo let out a soft chuckle and pull out the rule book.

"A team shall be comprised of a captain and eight men," Rolo said with a smile on his face. Matt smiled as well knowing where he was going with this. "So uh, give it up for your new team captain," Rolo said as Pidge entered the room.

"Woah, what?" Lotor exclaimed with wide eyes. Rolo stepped aside as Pidge ran up beside him and handed her the whistle which she placed around her neck.

"Thank you," Pidge said with a smile. Rolo nodded and started clapping, the others following in suit, Lotor being the last one to start clapping. Pidge blew the whistle and stepped out of the circle.

"Drop and give me ten," Pidge said moving to stand behind Lotor. Pidge placed her left foot on Lotor's back as he did his push-ups, slowing him down quite a bit. "Pick it up Lotor," Pidge said with a smirk on her face.

"Ten!" the boys exclaimed as they finished. Pidge blew the whistle and the boys stood back up. "Okay practice is over, go get ready for Cotillion."


Narti walked up to Axca's "store" and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Axca called out as she placed the last dress on the rack.

"I have a scout badge and smores," Narti said, Axca turned to her in confusion.

"I'm sorry?"

"How could you go camping without me?" Narti asked as she closed the door behind her.

"What?" Axca asked even more confused.

"Are you seeing someone else? Its Rebecca isn't it?" Narti asked, her cheeks flushing showing her insecurity.

"Narti, Lance was captured on the Isle, we rescued Lance and saved Altea from another threat," Axca said with a soft smile.

"Soo, you're not seeing anyone else?" Narti asked to which Axca shook her head softly.

"There's only you," Axca said as she lightly kissed Narti's cheek. "Besides we have dresses to deliver, it is Cotillion Day after all," Axca said as she picked up one of the accessories that Florona had given her.

"After you," Narti said with a bow as Axca grabbed her travel kit and Narti followed her with the dresses.


"Romelle!" Matt called out as he caught sight of the girl walking fast to her next stop. However, she was on the phone and didn't hear him so he ran in front of her, stopping her. "Umm, would you go to Cotillion with me?"

"Yeah, yeah sure we're all taking a stretch carriage over at 6," Romelle said with a nod as she returned to her phone call. "No, no, the pen toppers are in the port side cabin," Romelle said with a sigh.

"No, I mean," Matt said drawing Romelle away from the person on the other line. "With me."

"Yeah, want me to swing by your room?" Romelle asked with a smile before returning to her phone call yet again. "Yeah so when you're on the boat facing left ..."

Descendants 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें