Chapter 5 | Jada

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I replayed the words in my mind all over again. "Office?" I asked. "That's where your mom executes people and where she injects little chips in people's necks at 3 months old." Joey said. One day ago she told me that. How did she even know that? I thought to myself as I set on the twin sized bed in the room Joey gave me in her house. I checked my watch and it said 5:45. Joey said dinner would be ready in 30 minutes. So, I took a quick shower.

When I came back in the room, there were clothes placed neatly on the bed. It was a red pajama shirt, with red and blue plaid pajama bottoms. So, I put that on and headed downstairs.

"Hi." Joey said as I was walking into her kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful. It had a pearl countertop, and pearl floor tiles. Along, with the usual kitchen necessities. "Hey." I said coming to the counter. She handed me a plate and I sat down at the table and stared at the food. Then she stopped my staring into space when she came to the table. "You know.." she started. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday about your mother." I looked up. Oh now, 24 hours later, she was sorry. "I-I just had bad experiences with her." she said as she ate her steak. "Bad-bad-experiences with her?" I scoffed at that.

"How did you even know her?" I snapped playing with my mashed potatoes.

"You don't want to know." She mumbled.

"Well-actually I do based on the remarks you told me about her yesterday. Look- I know she does that, and, I didn't choose to live with that! I just found out! So, tell me. I want to know."

"No, Jada-you really don't. Just, leave it alone pl-"

"No!" I snapped. If you guys want to know something, I hold grudges. There is no way I will forget whatever seems out of line to me. Even if we do talk it out, it's still in the back of my mind.

"Jada, I don't feel like doing this with you. Just stop!" She screamed. I was furious. And, I'm sorry for what I did to her, but I didn't know how to control it. I felt something go into the crook of my neck and someone yelled something, and she tried to move, but she couldn't. And, a knife went in her chest.


Hi guys! Sorry, I just needed to add a twist into it so you can understand the story a little better. Next chapter, you will understand it better. That will be coming by Monday, or Tuesday. Comment suggestions below! Thanks so much for the 90 reads! Also, make sure you check out my new story that's going be up! It's going to be in the romance section. Coming no later than Christmas! Keep Reading!

P.S sorry, the chapters short.



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