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I hope that I'm not asking too much
Just wanna be loved by you
(Don't be so defensive)
And I'm too tired to be tough
Just wanna be loved by you


"The conception of this song is kind of that moment when eh, you know, you might be in an argument or you're feeling particularly vulnerable, ehm, and it's a bit of a cry for help really."

Shit! Was that too much information? This is such a personal song, the one where he asks Harry to just love him.

"Lyrically, ehm, you know I said in the past that it's always important to me, to be honest, and I think ehm, vulnerable at times, and this is definitely one of those songs. Definitely, there was a lot of honesty there."

Scary honesty to say at least. This is the song Louis is most nervous for Harry to hear.

"Ehm, and actually, don't get me wrong, I've always been a fan of this song. I've always loved this song, but I didn't realize how much of a fan favorite it might be until I played it in Madrid. I played a show in Madrid and the fans, for whatever reason really took to this song so now it has a special place to me, definitely."

That was a hard one to get through. Louis takes a deep, calming breath. He's pretty sure his management will be pissed that he didn't link this song to Eleanor directly. How could he?
It's his answer to Harrys If I could fly, a couple of years too late. His cry for help, for love. He's never been so in touch with his emotions as he is today.

He needs another break, another cigarette. He goes outside again. He sees a couple of fans gathered on the other side of the gate and walks over to them. They immediately start to scream. He says hello to everybody and takes the time to listen to all of their stories and makes sure to give them autographs and pose for pictures. He excuses himself and goes back to take that smoke. The fans watch him but he's so used to live a life in public so it doesn't bother him.

He looks at them while he lits up a cigarette and wonders how many of them are Larries. He hates the lies. He wishes that he just could go up to them and say something like "oh, by the way, I love Harry Styles and I'm Gay." The thought makes him smirk. He wishes life could be that easy. He smokes quickly. He has already been gone too long. The crew is waiting for him.

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