Chapter 5 - A Fate Encounter

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The traffic light turned green five seconds ago, but Summer was unaware. Alerted by the honking horn behind her, she continued her drive to work. Much was on her mind, not to mention that nagging feeling that she was forgetting something.

Now that her boyfriend was out of her life, Summer felt a new-found freedom, but that also meant stress, and plenty of it. At 19, she felt abandoned and frightened, all because she was on her own for the first time. Everything was a struggle for her. Because her ex-boyfriend was so controlling, that made it much harder for her to make her own decisions. Anger welled up inside her just thinking about him.

She made a mental list of everything she needed to do - Renew driver's license, shop for a new insurance plan, get groceries, pay bills, work on car, do laundry, stop for gas. Did she stop for gas? Yes! Summer slapped herself on the forehead, Oh no, not again. Tears trickled slowly down her cheek. I have to return before it's too late, and I can't be late for work.

A quick u-turn and she was on her way . With the temperature rising and no functioning AC, the car scorched like a sauna. Tiny beads of sweat trickleded down her face. Summer rolled down the window.  Her long, fiery red hair blew wildly in the wind. As she maneuvered her way through the heavy traffic, it slowed to a halt. Two semis blocked her field of vision making her destination seem light years away. Frustrated she turned into the nearest parking lot. To her relief she spotted the Quick King sign around the corner. By this time, she was a hot mess, her face flushed, hair disheveled, palms sweaty.

She took one step inside and froze like a deer in headlights as she spotted the handsome young man smiling at her from behind the counter. How could she have not noticed him earlier? She noticed him now. Tall and rugged, with a dazzling white smile and the piercing blue eyes, eyes that appeared to stare right through her, deeply into her soul. It was electrifying.

Reality set in as she took a moment to smooth her hair and compose herself, almost forgetting why she was there.

"Hey - Remember me? The young man asked. You looked as though you were in another world earlier. I tried to catch you as soon as I realized you were leaving. Pump six is waiting for you."

She stammered, as she rapidly rattled on, fueled by adrenaline. "Oh . . . oh, thank you so much, thank you. I was hoping to get back in time. I was distracted by an important call as I was paying for gas. But I really need that full tank to get me through the week. I'm working two jobs and have so much on my mind. I was so afraid I would not have been able to fill up my tank. You know this is the second time this has happened? The first time I could not fill up my tank, even after fighting with the manager."

"Yes, and it would be terrible if that happened again, but I have the solution. In the future, every time you need to fill up, stop here and I will remind you. My name is Don. I work Monday through Friday 9-5."

She stood silently, eyes downcast, embarrassed,, and wondering what he was thinking of her. He must think I'm a bumbling scatterbrain.

"Hey, don't feel bad, he reassured her. People get distracted every day. We all lead busy lives. We have a lot on our minds. If it's not forgetting to fill up our tanks, it's something else. Take me for instance," he stated, highly exaggerating, "I forget to clock in for work, my dad's birthday, my co-worker's names. And worst of all, the other day, I forgot to feed my goldfish, and it almost died."

Summer looked up, smiled slightly, and turned to go. "Thank you again."

Sheldon looked around, and noticing there were no customers, the coast was clear. He walked over to her from behind the counter and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around.

"May I ask your name?"


"Summer," he repeated as he took in the beauty of her name. He switched to high gear, speaking at lightning speed, hoping no customers would arrive.

"I'll get right to the point. I joke around a lot, but I promise you, this is no pick-up line. Summer, you are sizzling hot, I mean sizzling. As soon as you walked into the door, you took my breath away. Fate brought us together. From now on, you can't survive without me. I have an important job. From now on, I will be the voice of your gas tank, "Don't forget me, fill me please," he pleaded in a foolishly mocking tone.

"Okay," she whispered..

The corners of her lips turned upward as her eyes met his. Those eyes were an almond shaped, bright emerald green, as illuminating as a cat hunting for prey. They stood, gazing into each other's eyes, without a word.

The jingling sound of a customer entering startled him. Sheldon raced to the register, but he continued to watch her from the window.

She waved at him as she filled up her gas tank, then drove away in her red Subaru. He sighed. Something about her natural beauty, her seductive voice, barely above a whisper, and her vulnerability. He found it all irresistible. Beneath that unassuming exterior was smoldering heat ready to emerge.

The following days passed uneventfully. He filled his time with work, reading, basketball, finding ways to stretch his dollar, and thinking of Summer. He tried to write more comedy material, but lately he did not find humor in anything. Days became weeks, weeks became months. Summer had turned into fall.

It was just another day at the store when Uncle Bob emerged from his office.

"Hey Don, aren't you due back home now?"

"Change of plans. I'm staying here indefinitely. I may even be transferring to Harper College."

"You mean you want to stay in this hick town and go to Harper College? Why, may I ask?"

"I'm hoping this young lady will return. I have no other way of contacting her, so I'm waiting for her to return."

"You mean that loopy girl who forgot to fill up her tank? he asked, with a grin.

"She is a young lady with a good head on her shoulders. She was just distracted, that's all."

"And you didn't get her number?"

" I didn't think about it. I was quite sure she would return. The chemistry between us was intense."

"Well, either she can't find her way back to this store, she's taking her sweet time, or she's not interested."

"Not funny Bob."

"Sorry son, the truth is, I'm thrilled to have you on board," he said, while giving Sheldon a light pat on the back. "I'll be in my office if you need anything."


From his cashier's station, pump six was visible. He closed his eyes. He could picture the red Subaru, and the memory returned.

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