OHSHC//Tamaki Suoh

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"T-Tamaki. . ."

"Yes my love?" The romantic second-year smiles at me, handing me another rose bouquet.

"Don't you think this is a little, I don't know, too much?"

"Eh? (Y/N) Darling, what do you mean?" Tamaki starts walking over to me, only to trip over one of the many boxes of chocolate scattered around my house. He then proceeds to try to grab something to catch his fall, only to knock over one of the large piles of flower bouquets, trip again over the new bike, and finally land on the life sized teddy bear that sat in the corner of the living room.
I chuckle, and go to help him up.

"I mean, you didn't have to go out of your way to buy me this much,"I continued, "I would have been perfectly okay with a kiss and some chocolate."

"Oh, but (Y/N) my rose." He instantly picks himself up, "All of these things do not even compare to half of the love I have for you!"

". . . Then why'd you get me all this stuff." I deadpan.

Tamaki then sits in the corner next to the teddy bear sulking, and growing mushrooms.

I sigh, and retrieve something from my bag.
"This probably isn't much compared to what you gifted me, but here." Tamaki was at my side again, his demeanor now glowing with happiness.

I hand him a small, black box with a little heart on it, and a tag that reads: To my boyfriend and lovable idiot, Tamaki.

Opening the box, the blond pulled out a tie clip. It shined silver, and had a little gold heart engraved on one side, and the word "King" next to it.

"Do you like it?" I questioned hopefully. I had it specially engraved for him, and thought it'd be a cute gift that would last him a while.

Tamaki smiles. He smiled so wide I thought he'd hurt his face. A light blush dusted his cheeks, and when I looked up at him, I saw his eyes were teary and full of love. Tears??

I panicked a bit.
Why is he crying??

"Why are you crying?" I ask frantically, waving my hands because I had no idea what to do. "Do you not like the gift? Is there something wrong with it?" I sweat nervously.

Tamaki wiped the small bit of tears at his eyes, then beams at me again, and exclaims, "No, I love it! This is the best gift ever!"
I sigh in relief at this.

"But," he carefully places the gift down and goes to hug me, pulling me closer to him, "Your gift doesn't compare to the greatest gift that is your love."
I blush and go tense at this, then loosen up and hug him tighter, stuffing my face in his chest.
"You're such a cheesy idiot."

Tamaki pulls away and kisses my forehead, worsening my blush.
"But I'm your cheesy idiot, right?"

I pull him back in.
". . . Yeah."


I love this boy so much ( //♥ 3 ♥//)

OHSHC//Tamaki Suoh

Published: 06 · 30 · 2020

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