Black Butler//Sebastian

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You laughed loudly, almost falling on your butt on the hard cobblestone. The fluffy puppy in your arms wriggled about, trying to give you sloppy kisses on your chin.
Gravity finally won over, and your crouched position fell to the solid stone. The canine took this opportunity to also fall down into your lap. His sizable, black furred body rolled over to present his belly, begging for you to pet him while his tail wapped against the floor.

Yup. Here you were, in a casual dress and tights donned with a large coat, petting and scratching a random Border Collie you just met on the street. On the floor. With Sebastian standing off to the side, scowling at the innocent puppy.

Oh, right. Seb!

With the puppy now snoozing in my arms, you turned your head to beam at the sophisticated butler. He had a disgusted look on his face, then told you, well, more like demanded you, to get of the floor away from the mutt.
"But look at him! Isn't he just an absolute ray of sunshine!" You bring his upper body into a hug near your face, earning a little lick on cheek from said puppy. "Ah, I love him already."

Sebastian felt a pang of anger. And disgust.
"I can't fathom why an elegant beauty like you would actually like a mongrel like that."

"You know I can't help myself!" You defend yourself. "Puppies are so cute! Plus he just ran up to me, just begging for pets."
Sebastian just scoffed, then turned to catch up to Master Ciel, who was a ways up ahead.

Irk! Quickly, you gathered your fallen coat and the warm mass of fur, then hurriedly caught up with the group.
Everybody walked in silence after that, leisurely walking back to the mansion. Weirdly, Sebastian kept sneaking glares towards the Collie, and moving closer to you. The puppy didn't care, and kept panting as he settled back down in your arms to nap. But you noticed. And so you pondered this phenomenon in your head, thinking of the reasons why Sebs, the sexy, cool-headed demon butler, would be acting like this. And you came to just one solution.

Fast as lightning, you whipped your body to face the black-clad cat lover.
"Sebs," you start, and he turns to you (shifting away from the puppy).
"Are you, by any chance. . ." At this point, he began to catch on.

"(Y/N) if you speak another word, I'll be sure to cut out your vocal chords."
"Hah, I knew it! I never thought the day would come!" You exclaim, pumping your fist in triumph. The puppy rustles in his sleep.

You looked over again, only to be caught by surprise, at a nervous Sebastian. You felt yourself get warm, and a tingly feeling crept inside your heart. He wasn't showing anything on the outside, like a blush. Instead, his lips were pressed into a tight line, and his eyes expressed embarrassment. It wasn't an expression he showed often.

Facing forward, a light pink swept across your cheeks, you chuckle.
"You know, puppies are great. It's pretty understandable to get jealous of them once in a while." You give Sebs a quick peck on the cheek, knowing you still had some fur on your face.
"I'd never cheat on you, but puppies are a different story."

"Now now, don't get too carried away. Or I might have to give you a punishment." He smirks.
Your face suddenly felt sweaty, as did your palms, and you gulped. Damn, did the temperature get hot as heck, or is it just Sebastian? Possibly both.

Just as you were about to give a response, a lady, who looked about in her late 30's, jogged up to you. She had a look of joy relief, and before you could react, she gently snatched the sleeping puppy from your arms.
"You found him! Thank you so much miss, for finding Lucky!

× × × × × ×

Turns out, the puppy had an owner. The lady just adopted him, so he didn't have a collar when he ran away.
Well, it's great that she found him. Good for her.

It was still a bittersweet goodbye for you and the pup. Sebastian couldn't have looked more happier.
After we got home though, he immediately carried you by the underarms, and stuck you in the bathroom, telling you to go shower.

Unless you want me to help, you remember him adding in. Your face felt hot just thinking about it. You kicked him out though, wanting to shower in peace.
Man, this day will engraved into me forever.

Later. .  .
"Ya know, I kinda wanted to keep him."
"Absolutely not."


God, this took me so long to get out. (;  - ~ -)

Black Butler//Sebastian

Published: 09 · 01 · 2020

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