Demon Slayer//Giyuu

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"We'll have two orders of the special, please! Extra large for mine!" I excitedly ordered.

Giyuu turns to me, sporting a look that said, 'Really?'

"I'm hungry. . ."

We were heading back from a mission to give our report. I was always hungry after missions, but today, I was hungrier than usual.

I sat down at a nearby bench, Giyuu seating himself a little ways next to me. Out of all the pillars, I was closest to Giyuu and Mitsuri. But I don't feel the same way about Misturi as I do with Giyuu.
I wonder why...

The thoughts in my head instantly cleared (there wasn't much in there in the first place) as soon I heard the bell signaling the food was ready.

After settling down in my seat, I scooch closer to Giyuu. Unknowingly to me, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He furrowed his eyebrows, and tried to push them down, only for them to spring back up when I put my hand on his arm.
(Sorry Giyuu, you can't digest the butterflies of love so easily)

I was about to dig in, but I saw Giyuu staring angrily at his food.

Is, is he okay?
Touching him did make me feel tingly inside, but my worries pushed that feeling aside.

"I'm fine" He grunts out, and looks away. I stare at him a little more, then realize my food was getting cold.
I donned a happy expression, exclaimed "Thanks for the food!", then dug in.

He looks back at me, with a look of adoration. But that soon turns to disgust.

I was eating my bowl of noodles rather, voraciously. It was definitely a sight to see.
However, he couldn't blame me, I was hella hungry after all.

"That's disgusting. You're lucky you're cute" He states with a straight face.

I choke on the noodles, the chopsticks falling out of my hand.

"Did, d-did you just. . ." I hesitantly question, grabbing a napkin to wipe my face. the bowl of noddles had unfortunately slipped out of my hands, spilling its insides out on the ground.

Giyuu, with a blank face that spelled regret, stiffly stood up, grabbed his swords and started walking away. I quickly grabbed my swords as well, apologized to the chef, and stumbled after Giyuu.

I caught up with him, walking at a brisk pace to keep up with his. "Did you say I was-"

"I said-" He interrupted, "You're disgusting."


He interrupted you once again, suddenly sprinting away.
Since I was the Earth pillar, my strengths didn't exactly lie in speed. I was fast, but not as fast as Giyuu.
So that just leaves me, trying to figure out what just happened with the few brain cells I had left to spare.

"I gotta talk to Mitsuri once I get back."

I slid my hands into my pockets, and walked off into the distance.
Hmm, maybe she'll make me some rice balls, too.

Misturi almost fainted when I told her what happened between Giyuu and I.
Meanwhile, Giyuu internally died, and avoided me for the rest of the week.


Somebody love this poor boy ('ε`*)

Demon Slayer//Giyuu

Published: 09 · 21 · 2020

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