One Piece//Zoro

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"Alright everybody! Don't forget to be back here by noon!" Nami loudly shouts to the rest of the crew. She turns towards me, giving me a look.
"And (Y/N), please keep an eye on Zoro".
I laugh and give her a thumbs up, "Don't worry Nami, we're just gonna go exploring a bit, maybe find some sweets to eat or something. You know, couple stuff."

She eases up a little, but still looks uneasy.
"I'm just saying, it's not hard to find trouble in this town, especially when you're traveling with that idiot of a mosshead over there".

We hear a faint "oi", and I snicker.
"Thanks for the advice Nami, but I think we'll be ok. You should really be worrying about Luffy," I point to Luffy running off towards a restaurant.

Wait a second. . .
I notice something missing. "Hey, didn't you have an extra money bag on you?" I question Nami.

". . ."

"LUFFY!" Nami furiously scrambles towards him, before he spends the entire budget on food.

Zoro comes up to me, impatient that I'm taking so long.
I send a silent prayer to Luffy, take hold of Zoro's hand (much to his displeasure) and start off towards the first interesting place I see.

Four bakeries, a stomachache, and an "I told you so" from Zoro, and it was already late into the night.
I really shouldn't have eaten all of those cinnamon buns.

Feeling that my stomachache had somewhat subsided, I spot a tavern, and decide to buy Zoro a drink in return for dealing with my shenanigans. Zoro of course didn't mind, so we went in, with one of Zoro's arms around my shoulder.

A little while later, Zoro and I came out of the tavern. Neither of us were drunk, since Zoro doesn't really get drunk, and I didn't drink anything. I would've definitely thrown up if I had.

We were gonna head back to the ship, when a couple of drunk marines stumbled around a corner. I froze, then told Zoro to go hide, while they passed by.
The marines shouldn't recognize me, because I wasn't technically a member of the Straw Hats, I was just traveling with them.
The marines were drunk, but they weren't as wasted that they wouldn't recognize Zoro, and call for backup. Nami would definitely kill both of us if that happened.

Unfortunately, the two marines didn't just pass me by. They started ogling me, and walked over to where I was, by the alleyway where Zoro was hiding.
Do these guys have a death wish?

They did, apparently.

"Hey there beautiful. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" One of them starts.

The other one gives a sleazy smile that reeked of alcohol. "My doctor says that I'm lacking in vitamin U".

I mentally gagged. Is he serious? Luffy has better pickup lines than these.

But I put up with the barrage of crappy pickup lines, politely declining each advance. I was getting annoyed with the two men by now, and I could tell the mosshead was getting restless from around the corner.

Zoro, who could hear and see everything from where he was, was irked at the two marines hitting on his girlfriend. The only thing keeping him where he was, was the fact that I'd get mad at him for exposing himself, since I wanted to stay on the island a little more.
Tch, damn marines.

One guy got the hint that I wanted to be left alone, and started to lay off. But the other one was persistent, and I could tell he was getting frustrated. He demanded that I go out with him, and when I sternly declined, he frowned and grabbed my arm.
Oh, hell no.

Zoro's eyes widened when the persistent man put his hand on me. That was it.
He couldn't take it anymore.

Seemingly appearing out of nowhere, Zoro points his drawn katana at the persistent man, with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"I would get your filthy hand off her. Right now."

The marimo's menacing glare, coupled with his large build and deep (sexy as hell) voice, frightened the marine, and he stumbled back and onto the floor.
The swordsman slides his katana back in its scabbard.

"You know, I could've handled them myself."

"Yeah yeah, I know."

I then realized something. My eyebrows rise in surprise, and I smirk.
"Were you, perhaps, jealous?" I nudge his side. He huffs, and looks back at me with a smirk of his own.

"I wasn't jealous. I was territorial. They were touching what's mine."

This made my smirk fall, and a small blush come across my face.
What the hell, I don't have a comeback for that.
Zoro let out a little laugh from his nose.

Cute, he mumbled under his breath.

While this exchange of words were happening, the marines were figuring out where they've seen Zoro's face before. Until one of them figured it out.
"It's pirate hunter Zoro!" One of them shouts, fumbling for his weapon. The other one pulled out a radio, and yelled into it, "We need backup! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro is here at the Boar Hat Tavern!" (I'll give you human affection if you understood that reference)

"Send backup imme-" The marine was abruptly cut off as Zoro knocked him out with the back of his blade, as he did with the other one. I glance at him with worry in my eyes.

"They called for backup, Mossy! We gotta go get Nami, Luffy, and the others!" I exclaim, the situation already overwhelming me.

Zoro places a hand on my head, and I stop.

I look up at Zoro's eyes, that held reassurance. They had a strange calming effect, that calmed me down quickly.
"Stop worrying, Squirt. Those marines've never gotten us before, and they ain't going to get us now."
"Come on," He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, "We gotta go get the rest of the idiots."

I situate myself into a sitting position on Zoro's shoulders, using his head for support.
"Do you think Nami will be mad at us?" I wonder.

Zoro starts sweating.

". . . I know a good hiding place on the ship."


Zoro's such a hot badass, I swear--

One Piece//Zoro

Published: 07 · 23 · 2020

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