🇦🇺 Sniper and the reader 🇦🇺

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^^Me irl ( ಠ◡ಠ )

(Also just imagine the Aussie accent, my ass cant decide how each word is written....)
(Also the reader, you, work at Mann.co cuz of plot points (ㆆᴗㆆ)👍)


"51, 52, 53 crates of ammo!" I ticked off the checklist, feeling happy about myself.

Surely the Administrator should be proud if this, I've nearly finished in under 4½ hours!

Just 40 more pages to go out of 120!

I dont usually get board of my work, I actually find it kinda relaxing, compared to what Miss Pauling has to do. Doing the Administrator's dirty work and cleaning up after the mercs...

But I just have to make sure they have enough for everything: food supplies, medical equipment, ammo for fights, guns and even some fancy hats they've ordered now and then (that's always quite fun).

I stood alone in the warehouse in my purple jumpsuit, hearing the distant chattering outside of the open doors that reminded me of my dad's old garage; ya know, the ones that slide and curl upwards, then flatten out on the ceiling.

The afternoon sun left an amber hue in light squares on the concrete floor in the three door openings. I sighed, still feeling content with the task at hand.

I flipped over the page and-

"Oi, um- hey." It was the sniper, Mr Mick Mundy. He looked slightly out of breath must of run over to me. He held a half empty beer bottle in one hand and smelt of cigarette smoke, must have been Spies... The lanky Aussie wore his signature hat and red button up shirt that was messily tucked into his brown-ish trousers.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows, "You okay?" I looked at him, hopefully coming across as kind.

"Yeah, yeah," he said breathlessly, blinking a few times before continuing, "I was wondering if you wanted a break it's nearly 6, love." He said reassuringly with a kindly smile on his face.

"Oh um, I have to finish my work fist but I'll-"

"You've been working on this half the bloddy day, c'mon just relax for a bit." His eyebrows knitted together in worry. Mick had always been a good friend. He was always so chill and quiet, i can barely keep up with scout sometimes...

I suddenly felt nervous, I felt at ease when I was alone, I didn't mind Mick but some of the mecs were emotionally 'explosive'.

"Umm.." I furrowed my brows. He looked down at me, noticing my anxiety.

"If your stressin' 'bout talking to the mecs, I wasn't plannin' on chatting. But if you want to that's fine," he said, shrugging to himself, "I was just wondering if you wanted to just relax with me," but i know you're also good friends with Dell so you can invite him if you wanna." He smiled, sounding genuine and nice. Dell... The engineer, he was always so kind and understanding. He was the first friend I had here, he was so friendly and gentle. 'Corse Mick was the next one to open up to me and act friendly. Although he was a little stiff at times - and so was I - but we soon got along nicely.

"I'll be in me kampa' you can come join me if you want :)" and he left with a small smile and wave, I watched his shadow stretch as he walked away and out the door.

I smiled to myself, I've done alot actually. Maybe I do deserve this one break..

I walked to my office, just behind myself. I opened the door and placed my checklist on my desk. There was a large window just infront of my workspace so I could see all the crates and shipping, I closed the blinds for the day.

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