0 - 14 Years Old

72 2 0

So, here we are. My diary thing. I don't know what to call it really. Here, I'm going to pour my whole life out onto these pages. This book will probably know more than any other person that knows me.

This is my story, my life. My tragic life but with a happy ending. I've caused bad luck to people in my life without knowing it or wanting to but many of them are happier than before. So, I don't think I would take back the shit that's happened to me. Don't worry, you'll find out about the shit soon enough. Do be beware that my life was quite the ride and some might think of it as excessive. But hey, that's the life I got.

So, I now welcome you to my life. I'll try to explain everything as well as memory holds. But I only know my side of the story. Perhaps others have done this sort of thing too. Anyway, I'll start off with when I was a child...


I lived in Daone Street, the same place where a young girl called Nova lived. We were next-door neighbors and my uncle and auntie were best friends with her parents. Nova's parents had just moved in after finally taking my uncle's advice of doing so. I don't recall the reasons why but I'm glad they did.

The area was very green, filled with trees and patches of grass; most people had flowers growing too which welcomed all kinds of insects like bees and dragonflies. My house, however, was like the 'black sheep' in a field of 'white sheep'. The house on the outside looked fine, it hadn't been repainted for a while and was now turning yellow, but that was the only bad aspect that others could see. At times you could also see the fogged windows (some more than the others) but that's if you look hard enough.

The door was old and very squeaky, it let cold harsh air in from the sides and could probably be broken easily by one punch. However, I, later on, discovered that the breeze from the door wasn't at all a negative factor.

My parents did drugs, smoked, and drank alcohol galore. It was their habit that did them no good. Later on in life, you start realising that people who did that probably have a reason. Reasons such as: to forget, addiction, run away from problems, release stress, and so on. But for them, it might have been for enjoyment. Perhaps they thought they were proving something to someone. Either way, I'm not a psychologist and I never asked them so I guess I'll never know.

Due to this, all the fumes would get stuck inside these confined walls of this run-down house. My parents never opened windows, for a purpose that I do not know. They could have forgotten, they could have done it deliberately. All of this meant that this door was the only ventilation we all ever really got downstairs. As if our lungs were in the hands of that crooked old door.

The inside of the house was the worst part though, the walls were degrading and the wallpaper was peeling off. I remember once when I was younger, I got bored and peeled a section of it off in my bedroom. My parents didn't appreciate that and I was soon desperately trying to glue it back onto the wall. Their bedroom walls were filled with mold and black stuff but they were willing to overlook that fact and be more annoyed at me for taking that disgusting, outdated wallpaper down. Things like that pissed me off as a child but I feared my parents so I had to let all of that slide. It, no doubt, confused me too. Going to school and seeing these nice coloured walls with hanged up paintings that students had made in the past month. What was I meant to think was right and wrong?

Normally most of the windows in the house are fogged up, especially in their bedrooms but I never went in there for multiple reasons; most of the reasons are easy to guess but I won't name them. My room though was the cleanest in numerous ways. Its walls were still awful but my things were tidy and, no matter what, I always had my window opened. Even on cold nights, I would keep it open. It was the only ventilation we had upstairs. My parents needed me to keep them alive so that's what I did. I suffered through the cold nights just to get air through the house. I had so many colds but in my head, it was worth it because they were my parents. But that opinion changed quickly.

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