20 - 30 Years Old

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I lived with Nova for free, only helping her out around the house and being there for her. So I offered to get a part-time job when I turned 20.

Lyra, who worked at a cinema, said that they were needing new employees to help clean the theatre, so that's what I did. Lyra gave me rides back to Nova's apartment and I was finally, finally, helping to pay rent. And what happened next blew my mind. I was accepted back into college. Of course, no one knew me there even though it was the same college. But I'll tell you that I was super stoked to be able to study where Nova did too. All I did was continue the same course and do one additional one.

When the next holiday came up, Nova and I became closer and closer to the point we kissed. As I said, the best time of my life. We looked at each other as if we mutually agreed on what was about to happen and went in for a kiss. Nova was the first to make a move, although she disagrees nowadays and states that it was me. We, later on, did it too and we were inseparable. We had been through so much together that we just needed each other to feel whole.

I remember the day I first did it with her clear as day. It was a rainy weekend night and we had just finished eating out Spaghetti Bolognese that we had made together. We decided on drinking hot chocolate on the sofa together and cuddling up. I recall that as we started making out and thunder started. Neither of us was afraid of thunder but it did startle us.

A year later and I've finished my courses and decided to get a better job. I chose to work as a social worker, helping here and there when people ask me to, while Nova, on the other hand, became a therapist.

Eventually, we got enough money to move out of the apartment and bought a house of our own. It wasn't too big but it wasn't too small either. It was just enough for 3 people. Lyra decided to live close to us too for a while so we were all together still. Our neighbours are amazing though, they are so understanding and wonderful.

After getting ourselves stable into our new house and new life, Nova and I wanted to get a dog but decided against it since we wouldn't have the time to take care of it. However, we began to think about the idea of having a baby. We weren't too keen on the idea, to begin with, but sooner or later, we started to want a little fellow making a mess in the house (to make our life a little bit more interesting).

Nova ended up being pregnant with a baby boy who we named 'Chris'. I know, we were terrible with names and thought it would be nice to call him that. I know this will sound cringy or just cliché but when Chris came into our lives, my life changed and it got so much better. It's almost like giving you a purpose to live and fight for.

Shortly after Nova gave birth, I proposed to her. And, in the next few months, we had a wonderful wedding. It was an outdoors wedding, since neither of us is religious, and we invited everyone from Nova's side of the family to make up for the lack of people from my side of the family.

Nova's long, white dress was amazing and it truly suited her. She was irresistible and it was truly difficult to stay away from her for more than a minute.

I was so delighted to meet everyone from Nova's family but it was obviously odd because no one from my family came. Whether we liked it or not, it felt more like a family meeting than a wedding.

So many people asked me about my parents and once one person found out about my past and who my parents were, they got worried about Nova and Chris. We didn't think much of it, if we did it would have ruined our moment. Chris stayed calmly in Lyra's arms during the wedding, she's amazing with kids and we're upset she hasn't found anyone to have a child with yet.

For our honeymoon, we didn't do something massive since we didn't want to be without our newborn. We did have our 'honeymoon time' when Chris was asleep though. Years happily passed by and Chris has grown up to be a fun and well-mannered boy. Lyra had chosen to go to higher education in medicine but still babysits Chris every once in a while.

Later on, Nova's dad divorced his wife because all she wanted was to have kids with him and he didn't want to. He managed to get a house close by to our house and began to, not only visit us but also, visit the cemetery to mourn over Nova's mother. Nova was so happy, it's like a part in her eyes gleamed a bit more. I'm truly delighted to know that at least Nova's family relationships are getting better, especially now with Chris. I'm glad he'll have at least one grandparent that he can stay with.

The thought of telling Chris about my past makes me deeply worried but I hope that perhaps when he is old enough I could give him this book for him to read. But I hope he won't take my path in life. I'll do anything to prevent that.

Chris, if you do end up reading this, I hope you don't commit the errors that I committed since there might not be people like Mavi or Nova to help you out. You know you can talk with us about anything so if anything like this ever happens, please do tell us. You have the opportunities that I didn't have when growing up but mainly you have parents that god damn love you so much.

Right now you're still a child and you are begging me to go and play with you so I'm going to leave this here. This is already too long but I tried to put everything down on paper which, looking through, I consider as a success.

I hope I explained everything semi-well and didn't bore you Chris but just know that your mum and I love you very much and always will.

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