16 Years Old (Part 2)

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As the holidays became closer, Mavi and I had too. I had gone over to her house a few times now when her parents weren't there. I did ask why I couldn't meet them but she just asked me the same question. Although it was for different reasons, that she couldn't meet my parents, I still just nodded and didn't ask about it again.

The last day of school came and Cody said for me to "Fuck her already!". Word by word. Since the only person I've ever listened to was Cody, I couldn't help but feel obligated into doing this. I felt sick about it, and that day I didn't really hang out with her and Dan. If anything, I walked around the school thinking this over.

When Mavi asked me to go over to hers again, I tried to get her to do it. I didn't force her, I just went straight into making out and hinted at it. She stopped me and asked me what was wrong, that I wasn't acting right that day.

I apologised and broke down. I wanted to cry really. But I held it in. Regardless, on that day after I talked to Cody (after he shouted at me), I felt heavy and depressed. Cody was such an important role in my life that if he got mad at me, I would be scared and submissive. I still lived with him for free and I didn't want to be kicked out of his house. So I'd go submissive to make sure I wouldn't be kicked out of the house.

Still, when I was there with Mavi, she asked me to tell her what was wrong and I told her. I told her about the dare and how I just wanted to date her and not just do it with her. I told her that Cody basically ordered me to do it with her today and I didn't want to. I told her everything she, deserved to know.

Mavi didn't react badly, she just hugged me and tried to make sense of it all. She'd never seen me very emotional so it was normal that all of this felt awkward.

It was quiet for a while but it wasn't us who broke the silence, in fact, it was the door. She told me she didn't want her parents to find out she was with me so I didn't meet them. However, if her mum or dad came back from work early or something like that, they would think I'm a burglar or something. When her mum got home early, we were all panicking.

We went downstairs to meet her because there was no way of getting out of the house without her knowing. She was freaked out, obviously, but I looked down and had a hard time making eye contact with her. It was amusing and a relief because I thought her dad was going to be there too but it was just her mother.

From what I've heard, her dad was one of those overprotective dads that would freak out over not knowing who she going out with. If he knew who I was in school, he probably wouldn't let me stay with Mavi.

Long story short, her mother understood and it was 'fine' but asked for a better explanation and for us to tell her the whole truth which I was happy to do. Although she didn't believe a word we were saying, she still let me stay the night since her dad was doing a night shift.

After all of that hassle, I asked if I could use her phone to which she replied with a yes. I called Cody and told him I would stay with Mavi tonight and he thought I actually did it with her or was going to. I hung up before he could tell me any weirder shit like how to do it.

Mavi and I went upstairs and snuggled up together in bed until she fell asleep. I decided I couldn't sleep after a while so I left the bed and sat down on the floor. I only realised then that she had glow in the dark stuff everywhere. She had glow in dark stars, stones, stickers and so on. It was stunning.

A little while later, her mother came into the bedroom and asked for me to go downstairs with her. She asked me to be truthful and watch the news with her. At first, I thought it was just the normal news and that she just wanted me to watch it too. I thought it might have been about the school. But I was very wrong.

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