Extra - For My Dear Nova

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Dear Nova

If you ever end up reading this, I hope you got to know me better than before, perhaps a few dots have been linked and everything makes more sense to you now.

As you know very well, I love you and if you ever leave, I would never be able to forget you. Because frankly, another person that's the same as you doesn't exist in this universe. You've been there for me in so many ways till Sunday, and I can't express my love and appreciation for you more than I already am.

You have brightened up my life since you were little up until now and if it wasn't for you, I would probably be in the streets next to Star Lucks still.

You have guided me through so much shit that I can't thank you enough. The only thing I can do to repay you is to be there when you need me most so I can guide you through anything you need.

I hope I am able to be there for the rest of your life without missing a beat. But let's focus on the present and the future. Let's focus on growing up our son together and helping him out too.

I love you and I'll always be there for you.


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