do you like my 🐱

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Do you guys like my cat crossing the road ?

I got up and went to walk out but I got stopped.

P : where are you going ?

B : the park. I'll be back in 10 mins.

P : ok. Don't be long.

At the park *third person POV*


rooke sprinted to the park. When she got there she saw josh. She a ran up to him to give him a hug but he just pushed her away.

B : are you going to let me explain or
     are you going to walk away .

J : I'll let you explain.

B : okay so yesterday when I got home from school we got assigned to do this project and after we had finished he left and my brother came home. Then Payton came back  because he forgot his hoodie but he didn't know that Jackson was my brother so Jackson told Payton that we were cousins and Payton forgot about the project so instead he told him that we go out. And now we have to keep up a fake relationship - before she could finish he smashed his lips into hers.

After the incident he apologised to her. She couldn't stop smiling on the way back. She walked into the house. Little did she know that Payton saw everything from his window.

                   *Brookes POV*

That was amazing. Ahhh. I can't believe it. He kisses meeeeeeeeee. Okay calm down.

Hey. Hi. Hello. I don't know if I will survive but hey lets keep our fingers crossed.

My hot bully ○Payton moormier Where stories live. Discover now