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"Dad! Dad!"

John turned his head to see his twin boys running into the room. "My boys!" He said with a laugh as they tackled him to the ground. He laughed as he held the two of them close. "We missed you!" The smaller of the two, Zak said. He smiled and ruffled his hair before hugging him. "I missed you two as well." He said as he smiled, sitting up. "Dad! I started flying!" The taller one, Wilbur said.

John's eyes widened. "You did?? Wilbur that's amazing! I'm so proud of you." He said, messing with Wilbur's hair, the little boy giggling. "Aero has been helping me a lot!" He said happily, talking about the older male in the house. John smiled. "Im guessing you're enjoying it?" He asked. Wilbur nodded excitedly. "I love it so much!"

Then John turned to Zak. "What about you, Zak? Any luck yet?" He asked. The smaller boy shook his head. "No..." He said sadly. Wilbur noticed the boy's change of attitude before he hugged his brother with a smile. "We'll get there! We're gonna keep practicing right? Now that dad's home, he can help too!" Wilbur proclaimed. John smiled and nodded.

"Your brother is right! I can help you guys fly better!" He said. Zak's eyes widened. "Really?" He asked. John smiled and nodded. "We'll get you flying in no time!" Wilbur said as Zak giggled at his brother's enthusiasm. "Okay!" He said excitedly. Aero chuckled from the doorway. "Welcome home John." The 17 year old spoke. John slowly stood as the twins ran off. "Thank you for watching them while I was gone, mate." He said.

"No problem. As long as they're safe, that's all I need." He said with a smile. John smiled as he put a hand on the male's shoulder. "How about we go make some dinner? I'm sure the gremlins are hungry."

- 7 years later -

Wilbur opened his eyes as he sat up slightly. He looked around the small room, his brother still asleep in the bed across from his. He slowly got up, making sure he didn't wake Zak as he slowly walked to the ladder in their room. He climbed up it before he walked quietly on the roof. Wilbur sat on the edge, his legs dangling over as his wings relaxed behind him.

He looked at the sky as he sighed softly. He closed his eyes as he relaxed slowly. The sounds of the river below him calmed his nerves. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked at the landscape, seeing the town down the hill from the house. "Wilbur?" He heard his name being called out. He turned his head to see Zak peaking his head through the roof opening.

"Did I wake you?" Wilbur asked. Zak nodded slowly as he climbed up. "It's fine though. I don't mind. Why are you up?" He asked. Wilbur shrugged as he looked back at the sky. "Just thinking. I couldn't sleep." He said softly. Zak sat next to him as he nodded. "I get that." He said softly. Then he sighed. "Ready to be 14?" he asked. Wilbur chuckled. "You have no idea." He said as he glanced at him. Zak smiled as he looked at the sky again. "You think Dad will be home?" He asked again.

"Maybe. I hope he will be."

Zak nodded slowly. He glanced at the boy's wings before looking down slightly. Wilbur felt his gaze on him as he turned his head towards him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. Zak sighed softly as he kept his gaze away. "How I'm almost 14 and I still cant fly..." He said sadly. Wilbur glanced at the boy's wings, seeing one smaller then the other. He looked back at his brother.

"Zak. I made a promise to you that we'll get you flying." He told him. Zak slowly looked at him. "I'm going to keep that promise." He said. Zak stared at him before looking away again. "It's not worth it." He said as he started to get up. "Why are you two up?"

Wilbur's eyes widened as he turned around. There stood their father with his arms crossed, a smile on his face. "Dad!!" Wilbur yelled excitedly as he quickly got up to hug the older man. John smiled as he hugged the boy, seeing the other twin follow after to hug him. "Happy birthday you two." He told them. "Gods I'm so glad you're home!! I never thought you would come home in time!" Wilbur proclaimed as he smiled. Zak kept his grip on his father, his hold tightening slightly.

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