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"She went this way." Ruby called out as we both turned to see the communication tower.

"What's that?" I asked as we approached closer and saw an unconscious guard scattered on the ground. Ruby and I both pulled out our scrolls and called for our lockers. They landed swiftly and made a dent in the pavement. I ran over and grabbed Kalamity, Ruby doing the same with crescent rose.

"Let's go." I spoke in a rushed tone. We ran inside the building, I made sure to watch for Ruby's balance. We maneuvered around the scattered bodies and arrived at the elevator. Once inside and moving I put Kalamity into the axe form, I saw Ruby looking down. I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled. "We got this."

"Right." She cracked a small smile just in time for the doors to part ways. I scanned the immediate area and saw a girl wearing a mask and dressed in black. But all the other features were hard to make out, she ducked behind the counter and Ruby and I walked forwards. The first few steps and Ruby shuffled her balance. The unknown girl proceeded to rise from her crouched position. "It's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that mask."

Before Ruby could receive an answer the girl sent crystal like things flying towards us. I dodged and hit a few with Kalamity. Ruby fired her gun, and I lunged forwards. The girls clothes seemingly glowed and she pulled out a bow and aimed a few arrows at Ruby. I took a swing, but collided with another crystal, and was sent flying back. I used Kalamity to slow myself down and land next to Ruby. The elevator dinged and I turned to see General Ironwood of Atlas Academy.

When I looked back the masked girl had seemingly vanished into thin air. Only Ruby and I remained in the communication tower with the general.

Third Person POV

Ozpin, Glynda, and James Ironwood stood around the headmasters desk.

"They were here..." Ironwood raised his voice and slammed his fist against the table. "Ozpin, they were here!"

"We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James." Glynda stated the obvious in the current situation. She had her arms crossed as James opened his mouth again. "Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

A sound came from the elevator, signaling that someone had arrived. Ozpin raised from his seat and sighed. "Come in."

From the doors emerged Ruby Rose and Samuel Ovenshire, who both held sheepish smiles.

"Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here." Ruby smiled and rubbed the back of her head before Sam jumped it. "It wasn't us."

"Thank you for coming, Ruby and Samuel. How are you two feeling?" Ozpin greeted the two students. "Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O-for-three."

"Agreed." Sam smiled, but the room stayed silent. "Okay, so that's the tone we're going for, got it."

"Ruby, Samuel, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress and Huntsman is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could." Ironwood told the two warriors in training. The two students looked at each other and smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night, but now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add." Ozpin asked and looked between the kids. Glynda added in her own opinion as well. "Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?"

"I... I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance, though." Ruby recalled the events of last night. Sam nodded along and then voiced his memory. "Her clothing did light up a few times, which I felt was odd. It was mostly when she would attack."

"Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby and Samuel." Glynda observed from the woman she fight along with Torchwick not too long ago. "Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone."

"Wait. You think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?" Ruby spoke up in a curious manner. "It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together."

"Actually, I... I think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom." Ruby explained, Sam had his doubts but didn't say anything to oppose her claim. "Interesting."

"I thought you said the intruder never—"

"Thank you for your cooperation, Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you. Samuel, do you mind staying for a few more minutes." Ruby looked wearily and started to walk towards the elevator. "I don't mind."

Once Ruby was out of the office Ozpin turn to address the brown haired male.

"Samuel-" Ozpin was cut off by no other than Sam himself. "If you would please call me Sam, Samuel brings back unpleasant memories."

"Of course." Ozpin apologized quickly and looked over to the rest of the adults. "Sam, we want to know if you've had contact with your father."

"No." Was the green eyed boys quick response. His body tensed at the questioned and he was on edge. "Sam, we'd really like to contact your father."

"I cut him out, I have no relation to him anymore. He made my life a living hell!" Sam shouted; his body and movements became rigid. "I understand your frustration, but I need to discuss a few things with him."

"I won't be your fucking messenger." Sam defended with a stern and cold voice. Glynda stepped forward, but Sam quickly walked back. "I don't think you understand Ozpin, Beacon was my chance to be my own person! Not to follow in his footsteps, I don't believe in the way he goes about things!"

"Sam, I get why you're upset-"

"I don't think you do! You keep pressing!" Sam shouted, his anger was practically radiating off of him. "Sam, it's a apt time for teams to choose their missions, but do keep this situation between us."

"Whatever." Said male walked off towards the elevator. His mind racing with plenty of thoughts as he remained in a rather foul mood.

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